Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - Chinese)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATOA 3212 Methods of Teaching English Үшінші курс 4 120 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
PhD, Seitova M.

Introduction of traditional and classical methods of teaching a foreign language at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Determination of the diversification of methods and skills in teaching a foreign language. Particular attention to the use of methods in teaching English.

Information technologies in teaching English.

Basic foreign language in the content of intercultural communication.

Group work, pair work, quick questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case stage, developmental learning method, report writing method, summarizing methods, PPP method, problem-based learning method, modular learning technology, brainstorming, collaboration and cooperative learning, TBL task-based learning.

1Knows different ways of teaching English;
2acquires knowledge and skills related to methods of teaching English;
3Uses the theory and methodology of teaching English;
4Using modern teaching methods and methods, objectively evaluates students' knowledge, tastes and reliability;
5Develops students' understanding and skills in learning English.
6Encouraging students to learn English;
7Uses information and communication technologies when teaching English;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methods of Foreign Language Teaching as a Science Aims, content and Principles of Foreign Language Teaching Main (Basic) Methodological conceptsпрезентация
2The Grammar-Translation Method: “Mental Discipline” The Direct Method: A Rationalist Perspective on Language Learning Audiolingual Methodology: An Empiricist Perspective on Language LearningАуызша
3A Functional Approach: Communicative Language Teaching Modern Adaptations of the Direct Method Total Physical Response The Natural ApproachАуызша
4Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching Community Language Learning The Silent Way: Learning through Self-Reliance Suggestopedia: Tapping Subconscious ResourcesАуызша
5Cooperative Language Learning Content-Based Instructionпрезентация
6Task-Based Language Teaching The post-methods eraпрезентация
7Blended learning CLILАуызша
8Lesson planningпрезентация
10Error correctionАуызша
11Renewed educational programпрезентация
12Classroom managementпрезентация
13Assessment criterionАуызша
14Common European Framework of References European Language Portfolio European Profiling GridАуызша
15European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages European Profile for Language Teacher EducationАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Selected lectures on methodology of Teaching a Foreign language for advanced students.Turkistan.Turan 2011. 6. T.Segizova, D.T.Dadashov
22. The TKT: Teaching Knowledge test Course 1,2 and 3.Cambridge University Press, 2014.M.Spratt, A.Pulverness, M.Williams
33. Planning lessons and Courses. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers. Cambridge 2012, Tessa Woodward
44. Task- based language teaching. A comprehensively revised edition of Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge 2011.David Nunan
55. Classroom observation Tasks. Cambridge 2011.Ruth Wajnryb
66. The effect of the EPOSTL on the Self-evaluation of the student teachers of English.Монография.Шымкент 2020.М.Е.Сейтова