English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
3314 History of English Language Үшінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Sherimbetova Meruert

The purpose of the subject is to show the processes of changes in the phonetic system, grammatical structure and vocabulary of the English language. This course is a logical continuation of the introduction to linguistics, as it represents the reason for changes in the language system under the influence of extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors. Тo consider the main stages of development of the English language, the process of historical development in connection with the history of the people.


English Language (B2 level), Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication

1. work in group, work in pair, learning and study
2. creative thinking
3. Brainstorming
4. Notetaking techniques

1considers the main stages of development of the English language, the process of historical development in connection with the history of the people
2can work independently with historical and etymological dictionaries;
3еxpands the worldview of students from the history of literature, country studies and the culture of the English language;
4analyzes the facts in the current situation based on their knowledge of socio-cultural, ethno-linguistic, political and economic conditions;
5provides a historical understanding of the main features of the modern language system formed as a result of centuries-old development;
6explains the phonetic and grammatical changes of words in the language;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Connection of the History of English with other disciplinesЖазбаша
2Culture of Germanic tribes and Written RecordsАуызша
3Culture of Germanic tribes and Written RecordsАуызшаtest
4Celtic Tribes, languages in European and British IslesАуызша
5Germanic (Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians) settlement of Britain (Vth-century B.C).Ауызша
6Chronological division in the History of Englishtest
7The Norman Conquest of Britain and its InfluenceСұрақ-жауап
8Struggle between English and FrenchАуызша
9Role of borrowings in English VocabularyСұрақ-жауап
10Influence of “Great Vowel Shift” on the vowel systemАуызша
11Grammatical categories of gender, case, number.Ауызша
12Grammatical categories of gender, case, number.Ауызша
13Changes in the Modern English verb systemАуызша және жазбаша
14XIX century-English colonization of the WorldЖазбаша
15Language. Dialect. History of spread of the English language in the USAtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Elly Van Gelderen A History of the English Language. Textbook. Revised edition. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014
2Turumbetova L.A. A History of the English Language. Educational manual (оқу құрал) Almaty «Kazakh University Press» 2020
3Liz Driscoll. Vocabulary in Practice 6. Upper-Intermediate. Tests. (оқу-әдістемелік құрал) Cambridge University Press, 2014.
4Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New 9th Edition. Oxford University Press,2015
5Simon Horobin How English Became English. Оқулық. A short history of a global language. 2016. library2.ayu.edu.kz
6Richard Hogg and David Denison A History of the English Language. Оқулық.Cambridge University Press, 2016. http://library2.ayu.edu.kz/