Automation and Management
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
7M07158 120 2
Program Descriptions

Training of a specialist who can develop projects for automation of technological processes and production, formulate engineering tasks and control automated and information systems.

Training of a specialist capable of carrying out research activities related to the design, research, production and operation of systems and controls in the industrial and defense industries, in the economy, transport, agriculture, medicine; creation of modern software and hardware for research and design, control, technical diagnostics and industrial tests of automatic and automated control systems. The disciplines of the educational program cover the basic professional competencies necessary for the labor market.

Master of technical science in the educational program “7M07158- Automation and Control

Professional services in the field of science and industry, culture, health, agriculture, public administration.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of the master\'s program are:

in profile training-organizations and enterprises that use and develop automated process control systems for various industries, automated information and control systems for various purposes, automated systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data for various purposes, automated systems design systems;

for scientific and pedagogical training – research institutes, research and production associations of any form of ownership, state and non-state educational institutions of any level.

The functions of professional activity are to organize and implement modern methods and tools for creating various automated control systems.


Types of professional activity:

- Service and operational activities;

- Production and technological activities;

- Organizational and management activities;

- Design and development activities;

- Experimental research activities.

1Analyzes the main problems and current trends in the development of the history and philosophy of science, applying the obtained theoretical knowledge in various forms of research activities.
2Applies oral and written communication skills in a foreign language in professional activities.
3Еffectively organizes educational activities at the university observing the rules of pedagogical tact and ethics, demonstrating leadership and leadership skills in the professional sphere.
4Uses empirical research methods and skills used in a professional environment in research work, demonstrating a systematic understanding of their features.
5Publishes scientific papers based on the results of research work, using information from international scientific databases in accordance with scientific ethics, observing the principles of academic integrity.
6Offers the parameters of the optimal operating model of the installation, environmental and technical and economic analysis, scheme of techological control objects.
7Organizes research, measurements, tests of electrical installations, development and introduction of automation systems into production.
8Carries out installation and repair work in accordance with regulatory documents using application software in automation and control objects.
9Makes decisions when assessing production and non-production costs, during long-term and short-term planning, ensuring the quality of the team's work in organizational and managerial activities.