Political Science. Program
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
7M03117 120 2
Program Descriptions

Preparation of highly qualified, competitive specialists, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems in the field of political science, capable of successfully carrying out research and teaching activities.

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of student training and implementation of appropriate educational technology

Master  of Social Sciences in the Educational  Program «7М03117-Political science»

Direction Social Sciences (Political Science) at universities; departments of domestic and foreign policy at universities, research institutes, research centers, intellectual centers, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, embassy and consular institutions, departments of domestic and foreign policy in local and regional administrations, departments of domestic and foreign policy of ministries, MEDIA.

The object of a professional activity the political scholars is is the study of actual aspects of socio-political processes (elections, democratization, globalization, liberalization), phenomena, and political systems and regimes (totalitarianism, authoritarianism, democracy), and their impact on the political decision-making process, in addition, the study actual aspects of the activities of political institutions (the institute of presidency, parliamentarism, local representative authorities).

Conducts research work in research centers and institutes, collects and processes information materials; analyzes, organizes and records the results; conducts research; implements the results of scientific research; organizes information retrieval work in the chosen scientific field; He teaches disciplines in his industry at the university.

1Analyzes the main problems and current trends in the development of the history and philosophy of science, applying the obtained theoretical knowledge in various forms of research activities (LO1).
2Applies oral and written communication skills in a foreign language in professional activities (PO2).
3Еffectively organizes educational activities at the university observing the rules of pedagogical tact and ethics, demonstrating leadership and leadership skills in the professional sphere (LO3).
4Uses empirical research methods and skills used in a professional environment in research work, demonstrating a systematic understanding of their features (LO4).
5Publishes scientific papers based on the results of research work, using information from international scientific databases in accordance with scientific ethics, observing the principles of academic integrity ( (LO5).
6Possessing organizational skills, organizes external and internal political work in state and non-state institutions (LO6).
7Conducts professional consultations and expertise on international relations, diplomacy, national or regional foreign policy, political science (LO7).
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HKTKT 5207 Theory of International Relations and applied analysis Kazakh 5 1 2 0
SGZA 5206 Methodology of the Political Science’s Research Kazakh 5 1 2 0
SMSKK 5206 Political modeling and political threats Kazakh 5 1 2 0
STKB5208 Introduction to political analysis and forecasting Kazakh 5 1 2 0
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MS6305 Government policy Kazakh 5 1 2 0
SS6306 Comparative Politics Kazakh 5 1 2 0
SZh 6307 Political Globalization Kazakh 5 1 2 0
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
GS6309 Gender Politology Kazakh 5 1 2 0