General Medicine
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhDTN 4302 Basics of general medical practice төртінші курс 4 120 15 25 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Sadykova Karlygash Zharylkasynovna Nuskabayeva Gulnaz Orazbekovna Skenderova Shakhista Ualikhanovna Kenzhetaeva Lauriya Eltaevna

Formation of knowledge and skills on outpatient care for patients with the most common diseases, regardless of the age of the patient, mastering the principles of primary health care (PHC) and familiarization with the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the provision of outpatient care to the population, preventive examinations and medical examinations

general medical practice


oral interview, testing, participation in rounds, analysis of thematic patients (TBL), work in small groups (SGL), presentations (OR), writing essays (SEQ), performing situational tasks (TaskBL), filling out medical documentation, PAL  (peer-assisted learning)

1develops patient-centered clinical assessment and patient management tactics, applies the acquired knowledge on diagnosis, prevention of socially significant diseases and identification of risk factors
2can assess the importance of scientific data in medical publications, on Internet resources and scientific literature
3Adheres to ethical principles during medical examination, while optimizing clinical solutions to preserve the safety and confidentiality of the patient; accurately implements methods of effective communication with the patient, his relatives, colleagues and other medical professionals;
4May issue information on medical examination in written and electronic form to preserve the confidentiality of patient information;
5Applying the best practices and adhering to high ethical standards, he applies in his work the basic principles of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and dynamic control of the most common diseases in outpatient settings;
6ПОН 6 –Үздік тәжірибелерді қолдана отырып амбулаторлық-емханалық деңгейде науқастың жағдайын бағалауда білімді қолдана отырып тиісті іс-әрекеттердің дәйектілігін дұрыс ұйымдастыра алады.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of general medical practice. Principles of the organization of primary health care (PHC). Regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the provision of outpatient care to the populationЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
2The concept of compulsory medical insurance. Screening. Dispensary examination of chronic diseases in outpatient settingsЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
3The concept of temporary disability.Principles of rehabilitation in a polyclinic. Tactics of management and rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. Boundary control 1ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
4The procedure for providing pediatric care on an outpatient basis. Principles of natural and artificial feeding of children, calculation of nutritionАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
5Principles of integrated management of childhood diseases. Vaccinoprophylaxis.ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
6Tactics of managing pregnant women on an outpatient basis. Nursing care for pregnant women and young children at the PHC level. Active home visits to patients. Boundary control 2Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. «Izbrannye voprosy po podgotovke Vrachej obshchej praktiki». Uchebnoe posobie. 1 tom. 2023g.Pod red. Espenbetovoj M. ZH.
2«Kompetentnostnyj podhod v obuchenii studentov medicinskogo fakul'teta. Cikl revmatologiya. Uchebnoe posobie po predmetu «Vnutrennie bolezni v rabote vracha obshchej praktiki». Uchebnoe posobie. 2018g. G.O. Nuskabaeva, SH.U. Skenderova, S.K. Sattieva
3«Izbrannye voprosy po podgotovke Vrachej obshchej praktiki». Uchebnoe posobie. 2 tom. 2023g.Pod red. Espenbetovoj M. ZH.
4«Poliklinicheskaya terapiya». Uchebnik. 2021g. Davydkina I.L.