Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
YaKBF 4317 Physics of the Nuclear and Elementary Particles төртінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Bekbayev S

The discipline forms students' skills of experimentation, solving problems with the assimilation of knowledge about the proton-neutron model of the nucleus, nuclear forces, natural and artificial radioactivity, the mechanism of nuclear reactions, thermonuclear reactions, the application and prospects of the nucleus. As a result of mastering the discipline, students can formulate processes in nature and technology by considering the quark structure of elementary particles and types of fundamental interactions.


Atomic physics

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1Understands how to display, receive, process and distribute information with the help of tools;
2Performs demonstration experiments with the help of instruments; - general and theoretical physics in various fields of physics.
3Understands the principles of working with optoelectronic microcircuits and electro-optical, magneto-optical and other information converters
4Performs in connection with the general laws of physics.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Experimental methods of nuclear physics
2Methods of registration of nuclear radiation
3Elementary parts. The history of the discovery of elementary particles and the development of the concept of elementary particles
4Characteristics of elementary particles
5Leptons and their properties.
6Hadrons. Symmetries of hadrons.
7Quark model. Gauge bosons
8Effects. Interaction mechanisms of elementary particles
9Electromagnetic interaction. Scale fields. Gentle touch
10Strong interaction. Information from quantum chromodynamics.
11Concept of grand unification theory
12General characteristics of cosmic rays
13Composition and energy spectrum of cosmic rays. Interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere
14Sources and acceleration mechanisms of cosmic rays
15Achievements and visual problems of the physics of atoms, solids, atomic nuclei and simple particles, elementary particles.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. МартинБ.Р. Ядролық физика және элементар бөлшектер физикасы: - Кіріспе: Оқулық/ауд. Алматы, 2014ж., – 376б
22. Мартин Б. Ядролық физика және элементар бөлшектер физикасы: - Кіріспе. 1 бөлім: Оқулық/ауд. Д.Минал, С.Қ.Сахиев, С.А.Жауғашева, Алматы, 2013ж., – 352б
33. С.М.Бекбаев. Атомдық және ядролық физика негіздері: Оқу құралы. - Түркістан: Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы ХҚТУ, 2016 ж., - 150 б.
44. С. М. Бекбаев, Ә. Н. Құрмантаев, Т. А. Турмамбеков, Н. А. Шектибаев. Атомдықжәнеядролық физика (зертханалықжұмыстар): Оқу-әдістемелікқұралы. - Түркістан: Қ.А.Ясауи атындағы ХҚТУ, 2017ж., - 101 б.
55. A.A.Kýznetsov/ Osnovnye ponıatııa kvantovoı optıkı ı atomnoı fızıkı. Osnovy kvantovoı mehanıkı, fızıkı tverdogo tela, atomnogo ıadra ı elementarnyh chastıts:Ýchebnoe posobıe. –Vladımır:Vladım.gos.ýn-t ım A.G. ı N.G.Stoletovyh, 2017g., – 99s