Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
UG 2210 Introduction To Speciality Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 1
Course Descriptions

The aim of the subject is to address professional fields and types of professions (design-construction, production-technology, research, organization, assembly-repair, service-operation activity) and to establish basic concepts related to energy. Explains its importance, development and history in modern society. It aims to review basic information about all parts of energy and the relationships between them, energy systems and their transformation processes, production, distribution and consumption of electricity, operating and construction principles of energy facilities, current energy level and future development directions.

Fundamentals of heat engineering and thermal energy, Electrical machines

Physics I, Mathematics I.

Group work, brainstorming, Case study method, group project work method.

1Knows the importance of energy in society and its development history, modern computer information technologies in the field of electrical energy.
2Can process and manage information in power plants.
3Knows energy sources, methods of conversion to electrical energy, transportation and distribution.
4Explains the classification and working principle of electrical facilities based on renewable energy sources.
5Draws the operational and structural diagram of the power plant.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Purpose and objectives of the subject.
26В07153 - Undergraduate qualification definition in electrical engineering education program
3Basic definitions of energy.
4Stages of development of the electric power industry of Kazakhstan
5Energy system of Kazakhstan
6Electricity production, supply, distribution, use
7Energy and energy resources.
8Energy resources of Kazakhstan and the world
9Methods to produce electricity.
10Thermal power plant (TPP).
11Condensing power station (KES)
12Nuclear power plant (NPP)
13Hydroelectric power plant (HEPP)
14Renewable energy sources. Solar, wind energy.
15Design and elements of electrical systems
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Аллан Р. Хамбли. Электрлік энергетика инженериясы: принциптері мен қосымшалары: Оқу құралы. Алматы: ЖШС РПБК “Дәуір”, 2017.
2Хожин Г. Электр станциялары мен қосалқы станциялар. А: ҚР ЖОО қауымдастығы. 2014.
3Қойшиев Т.Қ. Жаңғыртылатын энергия көздері. Алматы: Полиграфкомбинат. 2013.
4Дэниел Ергин. Энергия көзін іздестіру жолында. Алматы: Раритет, 2016.
5Демидова Г., Лукичев Д. Введение в специальность электроэнергетика и электротехника. 2016.
6Бугубаев С., Стульников Г., Агимов Т.Н. Введение в специальность. Алматы: АУЭС