Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TMS 6320 Methodological problems of theology Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Ussainova Akmonshak Nurlanovna

The discipline examines the stages of the formation of Islamic theology, methodological features, inter-school differences in Islamic doctrine, theological differentiation from its origin to the present, methodological problems of theology. As a result of studying the discipline, the master student analyzes theological issues using modern methods, forms the skills of effective service in interfaith areas and masters the methodology for studying models of theological discourse from a scientific and analytical point of view.



Group work, group project work method, project work method, professional skill improvement method.

1Analyzes theological texts and issues using modern methods
2Maintains religious-legal, tolerance conditions and secularism in intercultural, interethnic, interconfessional relations
3accurately applies professional business and skills in the scope of constructive dialogue
4Demonstrates mutual connection by taking responsibility for communication and pedagogical cooperation in a multicultural, multi-ethical, multi-confessional society
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The meaning of the methodology of teaching theologyпрезентация
2Scientific research methodsАуызша
3Basic principles of scientific researchАуызша
4The main objects of religious studies
5Elements of religionАуызша
6The role of religion in societyАуызша
7The history of the origin of religionпрезентация
8Theories about the origin of religionАуызша
9First beliefsАуызша
10Fetishism, totem, animism, magicпрезентация
11Definitions of religion given by theologyпрезентация
12Conclusions of theological scienceАуызша
13Theological findingsпрезентация
14New religious currents in the Republic of Kazakhstanпрезентация
15Requirements for educational workпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Orientalism. Edward Wadi Said. National Translation Bureau, Almaty, 2019
2Kabilova A.S. Problems of bioethics in religions. Astana 2018
3Y. Alemdar, A. Arslan, O. Kabaklıcı. Messages from 120 verses and hadiths. Ankara 2015
4A. Abdirasilovna. Education of religion and tradition. Astana 2018
5S. Hizmetli. history and civilization of the Middle Ages. Almaty 2015