Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - Chinese)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TKKBP 4337 Practicein Speech Communication төртінші курс 5 3 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Bayimbetova J.

The objectives of mastering the discipline "Practicein Speech communication" are: to develop students' skills to use the concepts of communication theory to analyze communication and speech practice, to teach how to apply the knowledge gained in the process of theoretical and practical activities with communication and text.

To teach to describe, characterize and evaluate specific communication processes, communicative acts from efficiency various types, communicative activity and communicative behavior of a person; to form the skills to apply communication study methods in linguistic and literary



1. question-and-answer,  problem methods.

2. test, written exercises

3. narration, exchange of opinions

4. discussion

5. Modular learning technology, TBL-Task based learning

1develops self-analysis skills in professional and research activities using theoretical knowledge of linguistics, the nature of the theoretical aspect of linguistics, various aspects and features, the main directions of modern linguistics and the principles of language structure and language theory;
2Explains social and ethical values; communicates orally and in writing in foreign languages in solving problems from a personal and cultural point of view.
3can use effective communication skills by gathering the necessary knowledge about the main laws and mechanisms of the communication process, its structure and forms, using the methods of self-analysis and research activities, using specific methods of effective interaction and developing communication skills .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Whаt іs lаnguаge?презентация
2Іnterculturаl Communіcаtіonпрезентация
3The Relаtіonshіp between Communіcаtіon аnd Cultureпрезентация
4Culture іs а complex concept.презентация
5Cross-culturаl competency
6Communіcаtіon Stylesпрезентация
7Verbаl Communіcаtіonпрезентация
8Nonverbаl Communіcаtіon: Body Lаnguаgeпрезентация
9Culture shockпрезентация
10Cross-Culturаl Negotіаtіonпрезентация
11Cross-culturаl аdvertіsіngпрезентация
13Cross Culturаl Gіft Gіvіngпрезентация
14Busіness culture іn Kаzаkhstаnпрезентация
15Brіtіsh busіness cultureпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Theory of intercultural communication. Оқу құрал. Shymkent, 2020. Meirbekov Akylbek Kairatbekovich.
2Language and intercultural communication. Оқу құрал. Shymkent, 2018. Meirbekov Akylbek Kairatbekovich, Turlybekov Berdibay, Duisenbekovich, Isayeva Zhazira Isakyzy.
3Ағылшын тілі: Қарым-қатынасымызды ағылшын тілінде жетілдірейік. Оқу әдістемелік құрал. Түркістан, 2017. Д.Ю.Мутанова, Н.Қ.Айтбаева.
4Vocabulary in Practice 6. Tests. Upper Intermediate. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Lis Driscoll.
5Meirbekov Akylbek Kairatbekovich, Turlybekov Berdibay, Duisenbekovich, Isayeva Zhazira Isakyzy. Language and intercultural communication. (study book). Shymkent, 2018.