Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
THA 1201 Turkish Folk Literature I Екінші курс 4 120 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD E. Adilbekova

As a result of the course, students will have basic knowledge about the formation and development stages of Turkish folk literature. It deals with theoretical and practical issues such as folklore, folk wisdom, oral art, folk poetry concepts, the nature of folklore, laws of life, folklore and national history.



1. expression – power of expression

2. exchange of ideas

3. increase - debate

4. problem solving methods\critical thinking

1In oral literature, the poet learns the representatives of the Jurau period and the types of poetry.
2Learns the structure and characteristics of literary genres in oral literature
3He gets acquainted with the first Turkish theater works.
4Learns literary genres originating from Sufi literature
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Ballad, chansonette
2folk song
6Proverbs, Idioms
7Nursery Rhymes, Riddles
8Jokes, Folk Tales
9Light Comedy, Meddah
10Karagoz (Shadow Play)
11İlâhî, Nefes
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Özkul Çobanoğlu, Halkbilimi Kuramları ve Araştırma Yöntemleri Tarihine Giriş, Ankara: Akçag Yayınları 2015.
2Özkul Çobanoğlu, Aşık Tarzı Kültür Gelenegi ve Destan Türü, Ankara: Akçag Yayınları 2018.
3Özkul Çobanoğlu, Türk Dünyası Epik Destan Geleneği, Ankara: Akçag Yayınları 2016.
4Özkul Çobanoglu, Türk Dünyası Ortak Atasözleri Sözlüğü, Ankara: AKM Yayınları 2015.