Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TDAA 2211 Literary Movements in the Turkish World II Екінші курс 5 150 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
PhD Kenan Semiz

To explain the characteristics of the intellectual movements that emerged under the influence of the events that took place in world history since the end of the 19th century. It is aimed to introduce representatives of Islamic, Western and Turkic stances and to differentiate their views and works. They will learn the expression of literary movements in independent states and empires established in different periods of history, from Baykal to the Balkans, from Asia to Anatolia, and will learn the common features of the literary tendencies and tendencies of the Eastern Turkish world and the Western Turkish world.


TDAA 2205 Literary Movements in the Turkish World I

1. critical thinking 
2. brainstorming
3. case Study / case phase
4. development teaching method

1Gain general knowledge about Turkish literature science.
2Learns the subject by getting to know the works of poets and writers.
3The literature on the stages and types of Turkish literature , collects information, and organizes the form of formation and development.
4Formulates research studies on the literature of contemporary Turkish peoples
5Examines selected works from the oral literature of the Turkish people in terms of content, language and structure.
6Acquaintance with literary genres such as epics, poems, elegies, lullabies
7Examines research works on the literature of contemporary Turkish peoples.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The Issue of Writing the History of Turkish ThoughtЖазбаша
2Source Problem About the History of Turkish ThoughtАуызша
3Turkestan and Volga-Ural Centered Movements IЖазбаша
4Turkestan and Volga-Ural Centered Movements IItest
5Turkestan and Volga-Ural Centered Movements IIIАуызша
6Turkestan and Caucasus Centered Movements IАуызша
7Turkestan and Caucasus Centered Movements IItest
9Alash Orda IЖазбаша
10Alash Orda IIСөздік
11Alash Orda IIIСөздік
12Alash Orda IVСөздік
13Alash intellectualsСұрақ-жауап
14Origins of Kazakh IntellectualsАуызша
15Idea of your movements Results in terms of EvaluationАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N. Çetin, Tanzimat dönemi Türk edebiyatı, 2016.
2Cetisli, N. Cetin, A. Dogan, A. Gur II. Mesrutiyet dönemi Türk edebiyatı. 2016.
3Mehmet Kaplan, Şiir Tahlilleri I (Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete), 2018.
4Rene Wellek, Austin Warren Edebiyat teorisi. Dergah yay. 2019.