Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SP 3333 System Programming Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD, A.Abibullayeva

The main goal of the discipline is to study the basic concepts of system programming. Kernel objects, process, thread, priorities, security attributes, heaps, moteks, semaphores, events, etc. b. to know basic concepts.


Algorithms and programming

Narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Learns to configure operating systems.
2Includes the main concepts of system programming.
3Carries out the creation of the theoretical foundations of system software and its practical application.
4Learns to implement the requirements for the modes of operation of funds, evaluate the effectiveness of the work of various operating systems.
5Can program a complex logical structure to meet modern requirements.
6Learns the basics of algorithmization of problems, methods of automation of programming.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. General information about system programming.
2Features of computer architectures.
3Processor registers common registers, segment registers, stack, flag registers.
4Types of addressing register addressing, direct addressing, direct addressing, offset addressing based on indexing and addressing based on range and indexing and addressing based on.
5Logical orders. Logical orders. Logical data. Shear orders. Examples of working with bit sequences.
6Unconditional and conditional transition, organization of cycles.
7Ways to display DOS and BIOS in text mode.
8Click on the keyboard DOS and BIOS approaches.
9Create files and tasks. Create and open files. Read and write. Close and turn off. Search for files.
11Resident programming.
12Programming at the Input-Output port level.
13Assembler and high-level languages.
14Consideration of the processes of initialization and generation in the SP.
15Resident programming.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Жүйелік бағдарламалау, А. Ю. Пыркова, Л. Ш. Черикбаева,2013, 198,Қазақ университеті, Алматы
2Пыркова А.Ю., Черикбаева Л.Ш. Жүйелік бағдарламалау: оқу құралы. . – Стер. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2020. – 198 б. ISBN 978–601–247– 882–2
3А. Ю. Пыркова, Л. Ш. Черикбаева, Жүйелік бағдарламалау. Алматы,Қазақ университеті, 2013, 198 б.