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Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SOS 2106 Sociology Екінші курс 2 60 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Dzhapparova R.T. Ph.D.

The discipline “Sociology” as a component of the interdisciplinary module of socio-political knowledge is designed to form the ability to critically understand the system of interpersonal relationships in society, to understand the nature of society, the system of its groups and institutions. It is aimed at developing the “sociological imagination”, which provides an understanding of macro- and microsociological processes, and without which the modernization of consciousness and adaptation of Kazakhstani society to the global challenges of our time is impossible.

political science

history of Kazakhstan, philosophy

report, exchange of opinions, debates, problem-based methods.

1The ability to use scientific methods and research methods as a result of the interaction between a specific subject of study and the content of a modular discipline.
2Justification of methodological choices for the analysis of specific issues and the ability to distinguish between different ways of studying society.
3The ability to correctly express and defend one’s opinion on socially significant issues.
4Explanation of the social and ethical values of society.
5Explanation of the state of social relations in various fields based on the content of scientific thought and theory within the framework of the sociological discipline.
6Clarification and substantiation of information about social and interpersonal relationships, language, culture, political programs, the development of Kazakh society in different periods.
7Be able to analyze the specifics of one’s role in the context of social, political, cultural and psychological institutions of Kazakhstani society.
8Consideration of various situations in various respects, equated to the system of ethical and legal norms, social, business, cultural values in Kazakhstani society.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Sociology in understanding the social world.
2Introduction to the theories of sociology.
3Sociological research.
4Social structure and stratification of society.
5Socialization and uniqueness.
6Family and modernity.
7Deviance, crime and social control.
8Religion, culture and society.
9Sociology of ethnicity and nation.
10Education and social inequality.
11Media, technology and society.
12Economy, globalization and labor.
13Health and medicine.
14People, urbanization and social movements.
15Social change: new sociological debates
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1D. Brinkerhoff, R. Waits, S. Ortega. Aleumettanu negizderi, 9-basylym. Almaty, 2018.- 464 b.
2D. Ritzer, D. Stepnicki. Aleumettanu theorysy.10-basylym. Almaty, 2018. – 856 b.
3A.D. Zhusipova. Aleumettanu negizderi. Oku kuraly. Almaty, 2012.
4Zh.T.Toshchenko. Political sociology. Textbook. Moscow , 2018.
5E.G. Mikhaileva . Methodology and methods of sociological research. Tutorial. Kharkov, 2016.