English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SHTBBALM 6308 Sociolinguistic Problems in Foreign Language Education Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Berdibay Turlybekov

social nature of language, social function, relational types of language existence, social types of language (slang, slang, professional language), bilingualism, diglossia, pidginization, creolization, multilingualism processes. Among the most important issues for sociolinguistics are the linguistic conditions arising from the way of life of language(s),  the connection between language and culture, and language policy.



work in pairs, colloborative and cooperative learning, PPP, critical thinking, Brainstorming, creative thinking, task-based learning, project-based learning.work in pairs, colloborative and cooperative learning, PPP, critical thinking, Brainstorming, creative thinking, task-based learning, project-based learning.work in pairs, colloborative and cooperative learning, PPP, critical thinking, Brainstorming, creative thinking, task-based learning, project-based learning.

1carries out an independent and critical analysis of current issues in the theory and practice of a foreign language,
2can conduct research in the field of psychological, pedagogical and philological sciences using the results of analysis in scientific research.
3develops business skills in the scope of solving professional and scientific problems.
4accurately implements the acquired skills.
5learns the main directions of linguistic research of modern world languages.
6strengthens knowledge about the stages of development and importance of languages.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Language and Society What is a Sociolinguistics?Ауызша
2Two Approaches to Language Variation Regional Dialectology Social DialectologyАуызша
3Methods in Sociolinguistics Experimental Methods in Sociolinguistics Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in SociolinguisticsАуызша
4Language Style and Social Class Labov’s Studies of Style and Social Class Variation Style Shifting as ‘Audience Design’Ауызша
5Language Maintenance and Shift Language Death and Language Loss Factors Contributing to Language ShiftАуызша
6Recent/Current Change in English Dialects Dialect Levelling DiffusionАуызша
7Standard Languages (English) Received Pronunciation (RP) Lingua Franca, Creoles and PidginsАуызша
8Language Variation: Gender and Age Gender and Social Class Age GradingАуызша
9Language Choice in Multilingual Communities Multilingualism/Bilingualism Diglossia, Code-switching or Code-mixingАуызша
10Language Policy and Planning (LPP) National and Official Languages Planning for a National Official LanguageАуызша
11Language and Culture Language and Perception Linguistic Categories and CultureАуызша
12Discourse Analysis Ethnography of Speaking Critical Discourse AnalysisАуызша
13Pragmatics Speech Functions, Cross-Cultural Communication Linguistic Politeness in Different CulturesАуызша
14Sociolinguistics and Education Multilingual Education Education and World-Wide EnglishАуызша
15Sociolinguistic Competence Dimensions of Sociolinguistic Analysis Sociolinguistic UniversalsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Labov, William (Reviewed in the United Kingdom, 2016). The Social Stratification of English in New York City 2e. New York: Cambridge Univeresity Press.
2Trudgill Peter. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. Fourth Edition 2014. University of Reading.
3David Crystal (2011). Applied Sociolinguistics. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD.
4Trudgill, Peter (2016). A Glossary of Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: University Press.
5Ronald Wardhaugh and Janet M. Fuller. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 7th edition 2014. Oxford: Blackwell.
6Nancy H. Hornberger and Sandra Lee McKay (2011). Sociolinguistics and Language Education. University of Reading, Reading, Great Britain.
7Тұрлыбеков Б.Д. Әлеуметтік лингвистика. Оқу құралы. Түркістан: «Тұран», 2018.