English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RKEL 4220 Record Keeping in the English Language төртінші курс 5 150 0 4 0
Course Descriptions

In this course, students learn to keep records and prepare official documents, getting acquainted with the lexicon-grammar system of the language used in everyday official communication. The subject of "Official Paperwork in English" introduces students to the lexicon-grammar system of the language used in everyday official communication, teaches them how to keep their papers and prepare official documents. Teaches how to write each document in accordance with the requirements of the state standard, preserving its own writing style. It teaches regular terms and term phrases used in official documents.



1. work in group, learning and study
2. critical thinking, brainstorming
3. developmental teaching method
4. puzzle method, creative teaching methods
5. mini-research method
6. TBL-Task based learning

11 - Forms and develops listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through the development of grammatical, phonetic and vocabulary knowledge;
22 - Performs phonetic, morphemic syntactic and component analysis; actualizes practical and professional knowledge.
33 - Forms the theoretical knowledge of linguistics as part of philology - the science of linguistic activity, the nature, various aspects and specifics of the theoretical aspect of linguistics accumulates knowledge about the main directions, schools, concepts and theories of modern linguistics
44 - improves knowledge of the structure of the language and the principles of the theory of language as the central methodological problem of all modern science;
55 – develops skills of professional theoretical and linguistic thinking; Explains the theoretical aspects of linguistics from a historical point of view.
66 - Forms communication skills, through the development of the necessary knowledge about the basic laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms;
77 - uses the specific techniques of effective interaction and develops communication skills.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
2Curriculum vitae
5Receipt, Explanatory
6Formal and Informal letter
7Business letter
8Information letter
9Letter of recommendation
10Covering letter
11Letters of condolence and congratulations
12Types of contract
13Electronic correspondence (Fax, electronic mail, telegrams)
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Newspaper as the teaching tool in English language classroom. // Science and modernity-2014:
22. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference of master's students, doctoral students and young teachers devoted to the implementation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'Kazakhstansky puth-2050'. , 2014. - P.21-23. - (Humanities). Imanbalieva, R.B., Talgatova, N.T.