Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RJ3335 Robotic systems төртінші курс 6 180 1 2 3
Course Descriptions
PhD, A.Abibullayeva

The main goal of the discipline includes the acquisition by students of the following topics: kinematics of robots: position analysis, differential movements and speed. Trajectory planning. Disks, sensors and just sensor processing algorithms. Visual servo drive. Robot programming and control architecture. Selected topics on mobile robotics (localization, cartography, navigation and motion planning).

Business Analyst and IT project management

Computer Architecture

Practical class. Group project work, Participation in research, IT method; search for materials in the library, on the Internet, Research, Teamwork (coaching); performance of joint works (report, project, problem solving).                  

1can design parts and Assemblies of robots and robotic systems using computer-aided design tools;
2develops practical skills in modeling methods for robots and robotic systems;
3Master Modern information technologies, be able to use modern and software design tools in the design and management of robotic systems and their individual modules;
4will be able to develop a methodology for conducting 4 - experiments and conduct experiments on existing layouts and samples of robotic systems and process the results using modern information technologies and technical means;
5can assemble, Model and build robots using constructors for 5-Education;
6can design robots to implement tasks for various purposes; uses research to practice the assembly of robotic systems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The history of the development of robotics and mechatronics.
2Definitions and terminology of Mechatronics. Structure and classification of mechatronic systems.
3Principles of Mechatronics. Structure methods of mechatronic devices. Control systems of mechatronic and robotic systems.
4Industrial robots, basic concepts, classification. Intelligent control technology. Neurotor structure technology.
5Introduction to robotics
6Acquaintance with course equipment: LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Education set.
7LEGO sensors and their settings.
8Fundamentals of programming and computer logic
9Programming languages for robots. Description of robot-oriented languages
10General information about the Arduino platform. Hardware part. Arduino boards.
11Workshop on the assembly of robotic systems
12The main components and parts of the Arduino circuit board.
13Fundamentals of microelectronics. Microcontrollers. Arduino electronic board. Technical regulations safety when working with electronic components.
14Branching of the program. Conditional constructions if and switch. Analog and digital signals.
15Creative project works
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Баймухамедов М.Ф., Боранбаев А.С., Боранбаев С.Н. Робототехника/Robotics. Оқу құралы (1 бөлім) - Алматы: “Бастау”, 2021. -280 стр.
2Нурпеисова Т.Б., Панюкова Д.В., Панюкова К.В. Учебное пособие. «Прикладная робототехника» 2021, 227стр., ISBN 978-601-7991-92-0
3Шыңғысов Б.Т. Робот техникасы негіздері. Оқулық. Алматы, 2019.
4А. Д. Тулегулов, А. О. Тлеубаева, А. Ю. Тохаева, Робототехника және ARDUINO платформасында бағдарламалау. Оқу құралы.Алматы, ЖШС Лантар Трейд. 2020, 121 б.