Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PT 2218 Psychotherapy Екінші курс 4 120 1 1
Course Descriptions
Kazakh, Chinese
J.N. Saduova

The course introduces the basics of psychotherapy, as a specific type of professional activity of a psychologist and psychotherapist, the principles and laws of psychotherapy, its relationship and interconnection and other forms of work in professions that provide assistance, aimed at training, education, counseling, training and personal growth, development, correction and change of a person

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, Jigsaw method, creative learning methods, cloud technologies, IT- method, Case study method, modular learning technology.

1- defines and applies social, pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming side effects; - able to prevent, identify, and eliminate pedagogical and psychological problems in their professional activities; - can diagnose abnormalities in the development and behavior of children and explains ways to regulate their relationship (LO10) .
2- able to work in a group, knows how to combine his own opinion and the opinion of the team, expresses high confidence in maintaining his views and ideals in resolving the conflict .; - perfectly master the traditions of the Kazakh people, analyze them in the framework of practical development; - able to work in a team, patiently perceive personal and cultural differences and interact with colleagues for professional development (LO12) .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of psychotherapy, subject tasks, content.
2The development of the science of psychotherapy. Scientific research methods.
3Disease and man
4Psychological stress theory.
5Psychodynamic psychotherapy.
6Client-Centered Therapy.
7Gestalt therapy.
8Cognitive psychotherapy.
9Behavioral therapy.
10Group psychotherapy. Psychodrama
11Family psychotherapy.
12Neuro-linguistic orientation
13Holotropes and money-oriented therapy.
14Focus therapy.
15Group dance therapy
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Abdrakhmanova A. T. Psychocorrection..A study guide.- Almaty, 2022. -124 P.
2Aitbayeva A. B., Kasen G. A. Art methods in education. A study guide. Almaty, 2018.
3Dzhakupova S. General psychology.Textbook, 2020.
4Z. B. Madalieva, M. M. Suleiman. Art Therapy: a methodological guide. Almaty, 2016
5Mynbaeva A. K., Seilkhanova M. E. Art pedagogy. Didactic creativity of the teacher. Monograph. Almaty, 2017
6Kabakov.Practical psychology.Educational and methodical manual of Almaty, 2020.