Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PMI 5302 Applied Methods of Research Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ramankulov Sherzod Zhumadullaevich

The purpose of the discipline is to develop undergraduates ' knowledge in the field of methodological foundations of research, to teach them to conduct empirical and Applied Research. In the course of studying the discipline, undergraduates, working with scientific literature, develop skills in drawing up a research plan, building a hypothesis, analyzing problem questions, and learn how to identify and justify the main types of scientific research, research methods. The course uses methods such as data analysis, description, interpretation.


Methods of conducting research work

Group work, group project work method, mini research method, SASE-study method, poster protection.

1Shows the relationship between the methods of experiment, prediction, experiment in Physical Research;
2Organizes research in the field of physics through applied methods, provides evidence based on numerical methods and modeling elements.
3Compares research results through statistical methods of research in the scientific and pedagogical fields, reconstructs forecasts.
4Summarizes research results and corrects errors based on applied programs in Physical Research.
5Adheres to the justification of the reliability of research results through mathematical and statistical methods, makes its own decision depending on matches and differences.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. Introduction. Concepts of the method and methodology of scientific research. Physical Research Methods.презентацияArticle
22-3. Purpose, objectives and some features of theoretical research. General information on experimental research.презентацияArticle
34. The preparatory stage of research work in the field of physics. Methodology for planning research work.презентацияArticle
45-6. Processing of scientific information. Principles of building a model of physical phenomena and methodological systems.презентацияArticle
57-8. Methods for the implementation of the applied direction of the physics course: practice, prediction, theory, experiment.презентацияArticle
69. Features of the use of statistical methods of research in the scientific and pedagogical fields.презентацияArticle
710. Features of the use of Applied programs in Physical Research (SPSS, 3D modeling).презентацияArticle
811. Basic principles of ethics of the scientific community. The reliability of the results and the validity of the conclusions made.презентацияArticle
912. Each is a method for determining the reliability of matches and differences for experimental data measured on different scales.презентацияArticle
1013. Experimental data processing methods. Testing statistical hypotheses.презентацияArticle
1114. Least squares method. Correlation and variance analysis.презентацияArticle
1215. Regression analysis of the results of approximation of statistical dependencies .презентацияArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. «Зерттеу жобасын жүргізу: негізгі нұсқаулық» О‘Лири Зина. Ред. алқа: Қ.Е.Көшербаев және т.б. Аудармашылар: Жұмашева Ж., Муминов Н.Ә. және т.б. «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» қоғамдық қоры - Алматы:2020. – 472б.
22. А. Нұғысова Ғылыми педагогикалық зерттеулерді ұйымдастыру, оқу әдістемелік құрал- Алматы, Отан баспасы, 2016.- 186 бет.
33. А.П. Цыганов, Г.Н. Темиргалиева. Организация и планирование научных исследований: учебное пособие /– Усть-Каменогорск: издательство «Берел» ВКГУ имени С. Аманжолова, 2019. – 128 с.
44. Учебноепособие. «Организация и планирование научных исследований» И.Э.Сулейменов, О.А.Габриелян, В.В.Буряк, Н.В.Сафонова и др. - Алматы: Қазақун-ті, 2018. - 336 с.