Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PEZhB 4201 Parallel Computing Systems төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Lecturer N.M.Zhunisov

The purpose of the discipline is to develop the ability to develop parallel programs in various programming models for multi-core processors and cluster systems. The subject learns basic information about parallel computers, performance analysis, scalable algorithmic methods, flow programming. The MPI standard and other languages at the local level, the ZPL language and other languages at the global level, promising areas in parallel programming are considered.


Organization and architecture of computer systems, algorithms and programming

Narrative, discussion, discussion, problem methods.

1Explains to students information about parallel computing systems and the laws of development.
2Independently analyzes the technologies and ways of training information technical means.
3Summarizes knowledge about the features of teaching technologies and ways when planning and conducting classes.
4Knows the methods of programming in parallel virtual machines.
5It is able to model programming models and develop concepts and skills of programming technology.
6Uses methods and tools for parallel processing, storage, and creation.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Parallel virtual machines. Types of virtual machines. Virtualization is the main way to regulate information systems.
2Parallel computer demand. Development of parallel programming. Basic concepts of parallel calculations.
3Parallelism. Programming models.
4Hardware hardware of parallel computers.
5Parallel computers. Technical support for increasing efficiency.
6Types of parallel computers. Message transmission multicomputer or multicomputer with distributed memory. Flynn taxonomy.
7Topology of the data exchange network of processors of computing systems. Amdal's law. Gustafson's law.
8Parallel programming. Flows and data processing. Parallel programming languages: extensions of HPF and C++, Fortran 90. creating access to distributed data using PVM, MPI, OpenMP.
9Processes and synchronization. Semaphores. Monitors. Processes and semaphores.
10Parallel algorithms. Sorting (rank, bubble methods).
11Sorting by the method of bubbles. Sorting by the odd-even method.
12Parallel programming. Flows and data processing. Parallel programming languages: extensions of HPF and C++, Fortran 90. creating access to distributed data using PVM, MPI, OpenMP.
13PVM-parallel virtual machine; MPI - message transmission interface; fast-acting Fortran (HPF).
14Applications of parallel algorithms for solving scientific problems. N is the gravitational calculation of the body. N is a sequential code for the gravitational problem of the body.
15Image processing. Types of image processing at the lower, middle and upper levels. Fourier transform and Fourier algortimes. Low level of image processing. Fourier Transform of image processing.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Паралельді есептеуіш жүйелерінің ерекшеліктері.Оқу құралы. Бастау, Алматы-2020г. И. Муратова, С. К. Серикбаева.
2Заманауи компьютерлік есептеулер және жобалау. Оқу құралы. Алматы 2019. А. М. Хамсин, Н. Б. Адилова, З. Е. Мұхамбетжан , М. Ж. Ескалиев
3ЭЕМ-де деректерді параллель өңдеуге кіріспе пәні бойынша зертханалық сабақтарға арналған есептер жинағы. / А.Т. Бектемесов, А.Т. Досаналиева, М. Сыдыбаева. - Алматы: «Тұран» Университеті, 2020. - 45 б.
4Основы компьютерного моделирования. Учебно- методическмй комплекс. Алматы 2021. Г. А. Тюлепбердинова, Н. А. Тойганбаева, А. Б. Жусупова
5MPI және CUDA параллель программалау технологиясы : Оқу-əдістемелік құрал. / А.Т. Бектемесов, А.Т. Досаналиева, М. Сыдыбаева. - Алматы: «Тұран» Университеті, 2020. - 48 б.