Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ОВВКК3204 Creating applications in Object-Oriented Programming Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
technicalK., acting associate professor Zh. s. Ismagulova

The purpose of the discipline is to master the basics of Modern Java technology software, design and development of local applications in practice. The principles of Object-Oriented Programming, the principles of working with files are considered. Special attention is paid to the practical acquisition of basic skills in creating software projects


Algorithms and programming

Group work, brainstorming, Case study method, group project work method.

1explains about Object-Oriented Programming Languages
2builds mobile applications in the selected language
3creates software applications for mobile devices
4selects algorithmic constructions.
5object-oriented design and uses the NetBeans platform.
6graphic inteiface defines the principles of creating applications.
7network and component programming
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Object-Oriented Programming Languages. Introduction to classes, objects, and methods. Concepts of encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance.
2Introduction to the Java language and its features Installing virtual Java machine, bytecode, JDK or Java Development Kit tools
3Alphabet of the Java language. Key words. Alphabet of the Java language. Special characters. Identifiers, variables, their types
4Object-oriented design and the NetBeans platform. Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. Encapsulation. Working with reference variables. Garbage collection
5NetBeans projects. Import classes. Basic packages and Java classes. Compile the project files and launch the application. Structure of the NetBeans project. Creating a Java application with a graphical interface in NetBeans
6Primitive data types and operators for working with them. Boolean (boolean) type. Relationship operations. Integers, variables, constants are the main operators that work with quantities. Specific type and class Math. Shell classes. Shell (boxing) and (unboxing)
7Working with numbers in Java. Representation of Integer and real numbers in binary. Binary representation of positive integers and negative integers. Translation of numbers from one system to another.
8Management structures. If conditional operator. Switch operator. Increment ++ and decrement – operators. For loop operator. While loop operator. Do...while loop operators break operators continue, break, return, System.exit
9Initial data on object programming: inheritance and polymorphism. UML charts. Local and global variables. Link this. Inheritance. Superclasses and subclasses. Key word super. Reverse engineering-creating UML diagrams based on developed classes.
10Important object types: arrays, collections, lists, iterators. Strings in Java-work with objects. Classes String, StringBuffer, and stringbuilder. Work with graphics. Handling exceptions: the hrow and throws operators. Work with files and folders.
11Built-in classes. Inheritance: problems and alternatives. The composition of the problem of multiple inheritance of classes. Interfaces. Interfaces differ from classes in that they have inheritance problems. View of the composition as an alternative to multiple inheritance.
12Additional elements of object programming in the Java programming language. Advantages and disadvantages when working with execution threads. Synchronization across resources and events. Thread class and Runnable interface. Adding external DLL libraries
13Introduction to network programming. A brief definition of the HTML language. Applets. Servlets. Java Server Pages (JSP) technology
14Nested (nested) classes and interfaces. Internal (inner) and local (local) classes. Anonymous (anonymous)classes and event handlers. Anonymous (anonymous) classes and event listeners (listeners)
15Component programming JavaBeans component architecture. Component creation wizard in NetBeans. Adding new properties to a component. Adding new events to a component
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Т. М. Маннапова, А. Х. Қасымова Java script- объектіге бағытталған скриптік бағдарламалау тілі. Оқу құралы. -Алматы Альманахь, 2020.
2С. С. Мауленов. Мобильдік қосымшалар құру.Оқу әдістемелік кешен [Текст] /. - Түркістан : 2021
3У. Ә. Төкеев, Ж. М. Жұманов Ақпараттық жүйелердің ВЕБ-қосымшаларын программалау. Оқу құралы [Текст] /. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2019
4Г.А. Тюлепбердинова. Бағдарламалау технологиясы: Оқу -әдістемелік кешен:- Алматы 2021
5К.А. Искакова Бағдарламалау технологиясы: -Алматы 2021 Оқу құралы