Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ОТPP 4305 Psychological workshop on family education төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
D. Kishibayeva

The psychological workshop on Family Education considers the issues of systematization of diagnostic procedures published in domestic and foreign literature used in the study of family problematics. The proposed methods allow the researcher to assess the state of the family system, to study the features of the activities of all the main subsystems of the family: spouses, parents, children.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, creativity teaching methods, teamwork, problem-solving method

1- determines the socio-psychological factors and its activities in the education of the individual and society; ; - analyzes existing problems in the context of training and development; - explains the tolerance and ability to pedagogical cooperation, communication in a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society (LO9) .
2- defines and applies social, pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming side effects; - able to prevent, identify, and eliminate pedagogical and psychological problems in their professional activities; - can diagnose abnormalities in the development and behavior of children and explains ways to regulate their relationship (LO10) .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical and methodological foundations of Family Psychology
2The essence and historical development of marriage and family relations
3Functions and norms and types of the Modern Family
4The psychological impact of foreign families on modern families.
5Features of the psychology of family relationships.
6Psychological and pedagogical features of preparing young people for family life
7The main directions of preparing young people for family life The main directions of the program 'Family Peace'
8Stages of marital and family relations.
9Diagnosis of the educational potential of the family.
10Crises in the family
11Family Research Methodology
12Study of the identity of the relationship of spouses in the family
13Organization and conduct of psychological counseling of the family
14Professional skills in consulting. Psychological advice for parents
15Psychological counseling for the couple
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Kanapıanova Q.D. Psıhologıalyqpedagogıkalyqpraktıkým :Oqý-ádistemelikqural. S. AmanjolovatyndaǵyShyǵysQazaqstanmemlekettikýnıversıteti. - Óskemen: Berel, 2016. http://rmebrk.kz
2Kaırova, B.K., Toıymbetova, D.S. Otbasylyq ómir psıhologıasy : Oqý quraly. Qostanaı memlekettik pedagogıkalyq ınstıtýty . - Qostanaı: QMPI, ,2016.
3Joldasbekov A. A, Jýmadýllaeva A. A. Danıarov T. Á.Otbasy pedagogıkasy. Oqýlyq. - Almaty, 2021.
4Júndibaeva T.N. Otbasy pedagogıkasy: Oqýlyq. Almaty: 'Ekanomıka' baspasy JSHS, 2014. -312 bet
5Átemova Q. T., Sársenova J. U.Otbasy salt-dástúrleriniń qyz tárbıesindegi róli. Oqý quraly - Shymkent, 2018.