Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ОСТ 3210 Basics of telemontage Үшінші курс 5 90 0 0 8
Course Descriptions
The purpose of the Basics of Television Editing course is to teach the ways of editing on television. The process of developing a plot using visual tools of telejournalism: video, sound, words, music. Konu teaches students how to select video materials and introduces them to editing programs.
Editing of television programs
Introduction to journalism
group work
11 Concept of video editing. Kurdu describes creative activities related to the systematization of the program, the organization of materials for the program area.
22- Familiarity with computer programs for editing television visual products
33 Analysis of TV products. Planning a TV show montage
44- Creates the ability to make decisions regarding the preparation of materials for publication and determination of suitability.
55- Development of the offer for assembly types. Collecting and structuring of information, preparation of material, including interaction with authorized sources
66- Presentation on features of video file formats. Processing of materials, including ensuring the accuracy of quotes, names, numbers and other evidence provided.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction The concept of video montage on televisionпрезентация
2Editing programs for television: Adobe Premiere Pro, Pinnacle Studio, Sony Vegas Video Pro, Movie Maker, VirtualDub, Video Editor, VideoMONTAJ, vb.презентация
3Network. Editor. Director. Combination of video montageпрезентация
4Frame in assembly. Titr. Video composition. Multiframe (multiframe composition)Сұрақ-жауаппрезентация
5Editing of a TV story. Stand-up, luft, hayat, plan, renk tonu, montage imagesпрезентация
6Assembly planпрезентация
7Text on televisionЖазбаша
8Montage types: parallel, verse, associative, thematic, expert, subjective, clip, poetic, rhythmic, psychological, intellectual, personal, etc.Жазбаша
9Video formats and standards. Digital video recordingЖазбашапрезентация
10Sony Vegas Video Pro video editing program: familiarization, installation, mastering the skills of working with panelsпрезентация
11Story editing skills using Sony Vegas Video Pro video editing softwareАуызша
12Document editing skills using Sony Vegas Video Pro video editing softwareАуызша
13Ability to edit entertainment programs using Sony Vegas Video Pro video editing softwareпрезентация
14How to write credits in Sony Vegas Video Pro video editing program?презентация
15How to create a finished project in Sony Vegas Video Pro?Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Баялы, Ә.Web бағдарламалау негіздері: Оқу құралы [Текст] / Ә. Т. Баялы. – Алматы : ТехноЭрудит, 2020. – 160 с.
22. Журналистикаға кіріспе. Оқу құралы. – Түркістан: Тұран, 2016 Садықов С.
33. Техника и технология СМИ: печать, радио, телевидения, интернет. Учебное пособие. – М., 2015 Тулупов В.В.
44. Мерзімді баспасөз дизайны. Оқу құралы / - Астана : Лантар Трейд, 2021. Сердәлі, Б.
5Гороховский А. Фактчекинг журналистика зерттеуінің тренді:мүмкіндігі мен болашағы. Практикалық оқу құралы. Алматы, 2017
62. Велитченко С.Н. Выпуск учебной газеты,радиопраграммы и телепередачи: учеб.-метод.пособие Алматы:Қазақ университеті,2016
73. Қазақстандағы практикалық журналистика 3.0. Алматы, 2017
84. Практическая журналистика 3.0 в Казахстане. Алматы, 2017
95. Баялы, Ә. Т. PHP және MySQL-де WEB қосымшаларды құру негіздері. Оқу-әдістемелік құралы / Ә. Т. Баялы, Р. Ш. Садыбеков, Р. Б. Абдрахманов. – Алматы : ЭСПИ, 2020. – 108 с. Web-site kaynakları: