Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OSEKY 4234 Methods of Protection of Automated Systems Equipment төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Kasymbekov Abbazbek Sugirovich

The purpose of the subject is to control the general rules and classification of industrial hazards, the organization of security systems and the methods of introducing equipment protection for automation objects, as a result, designing diagnostic systems of the regulatory and technical framework for the development of the security system of industrial facilities. Controls the main resources and technical solutions of security based on technical systems and automation tools, the protection system and the operation of the protection system for automation objects.

Modeling of technological processes, Programmable logic controllers, Writing and defense of a diploma project (comprehensive examination).


Artificial intelligence systems, Basics of automatic design system, Microprocessor complexes in control systems.

Group work, brainstorming, narrative, developmental and creative teaching methods.

1Organizes the design of technical equipment, automation, control and diagnostics systems, taking into account the technological bases of production, using the methods of protecting the equipment of automated systems.
2Prepares the design of technical equipment, automation, control and diagnostics systems, taking into account the technological bases of production, using the methods of protecting the equipment of automated systems.
3Designs and offers technical tools, automation, control and diagnostic systems, taking into account the technological bases of production, using the methods of protecting the equipment of automated systems.
4Systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, and organizes monitoring of the operation of devices and sites, using methods of protection of equipment of automated systems.
5Systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, prepares monitoring of the operation of devices and sites using methods of protection of equipment of automated systems.
6Systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, monitors the operation of devices and sites, using the methods of protecting the equipment of automated systems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Equipment protection, purpose and tasks of automated systems. Retrospective, modern problems, development prospects.
2Classification of industrial hazards: physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological ergonomic factors and features.
3Organization of security systems and protection of equipment of automation objects (video surveillance, access control, signaling).
4Protection against current and short-circuiting. Directed, non-directed, maximum current protection, principles of operation, main schemes.
5Principles of protection against short-circuits in double-sided power supply, large-current short-circuit lines, ground-circuit protection in 10-35 kV lines.
6Designation of longitudinal differential, distance protection of the network, principles of operation, schemes and principles of operation.
7Transformer (auto) protection, backup assignment, functions.
8Transformer (auto) main and differential protection.
9Gas protection. Flow gas relay device, principle of action, features.
10Protecting (dust, humidity, vibration, shock, extreme temperature) by installing protective cabinets of electronic equipment in safe places, providing ventilation.
11Methods of protection of electronic devices from electromagnetism: shielding, filtering, signal optimization, noise-resistant component, use of Technologies.
12Surge protection (SPD) and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
13Protection against unauthorized access: prevent antivirus software, firewalls, etc. use of security measures.
14Data encryption, authentication, intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS), data backup and recovery.
15Smart Grid-technology-based protection of ACS, features.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Киреева Э.А., Цырук С.А. Релелік қорғаныс және электр энергетикалық жүйелерді автоматтандыру: орта кәсіптік білім беру студенттеріне арналған оқулық / – 5–ші баспа үйі, стер. – М.: «Академия» баспа орталығы, 2016. – 288 б
2Надеин В.Ф., Петухов С.В., Радюшин В.В. Релейная защита и автоматика: Учебное пособие. – Архангельск: Издательство САФУ, 2017 – 98 с.
3Тельманова Е.Д. Автоматизация управления системами электроснабжения: электронный учебник / Е.Д.Тельманова. Екатеринбург: Изд-во ГОУ ВПО «Рос. гос. проф.-пед. ун-т», 2019. – 88с.
4Автоматтандырылған электржетегі жүйесімен энергияны үнемдеу: Оқу құралы/ П.И. Сагитов, Н.К. Алмуратова; АЭжБУ. - Алматы, 2014. - 92 бет.
5Киреева Э.А., Цырук С.А Релейная защита и автоматика электроэнергетических систем. 7–е издание, переработанное. – М. Академия, 2020. – 320 с.