Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OPKS 3225 Automated Production Process Management Systems Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Umarov Amantur Amangeldievich

The purpose of the subject The subject solves problems based on the basic characteristics and principles of creating an automatic control system, system analysis of technological control objects, the principle of informational description of technological operations and processes, methods of evaluating and optimizing the state of the control object, the method of least squares, as a result of Bayesian estimates, rating, maximum principles monitors the work. Analyzes and calculates the economic efficiency of using correlation and regression analysis methods, stochastic and deterministic models, automated control systems.

Robotics, Signals and control systems, Modeling and identification of control objects.

Analysis and synthesis of circuits, technical means of automation and control, theory of linear and nonlinear automatic control system, modeling of control systems.

Group work, brainstorming, narrative, developmental and creative teaching methods.

1Organizes preparation of schemes for replacement of structural, functional and automatic systems of automation using automated systems of management of production processes.
2Uses automated systems of management of production processes, implements schemes of replacement of structural, functional and automation systems of automation.
3Using automated systems of management of production processes, - systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, organizes monitoring of the operation of devices and sites.
4Uses automated systems of management of production processes, - systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, monitors the operation of devices and sites.
5Develops technical tasks for projects on modernization and reconstruction of tools of automatic control systems using automated systems of management of industrial processes, organizes research work.
6Develops technical tasks for projects on modernization and reconstruction of tools of automatic control systems using automated systems of management of production processes, conducts scientific research.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The purpose and tasks of ACS of production processes. A retrospective review and analysis. modern problems and development perspective.
2Enterprise resource planning systems (MRP, MRP II, ERP, EAM).
3Operational management of production processes (MES-Manufacturing Execution Systems).
4MES model for integrated production management system (c-MES).
5Joint production and features (Collaborative Manufacturing).
6Recommendations for choosing an MES-system for production management.
7Ways to use a step-by-step approach in introducing the MES-system into production.
8Distributed system of monitoring and control of production processes: sensor, controller, executive device, software (DCS).
9Programmable logic controller for processing, controlling production processes: motion, temperature, pressure, etc. (PLC).
10Equipment repair and service management systems in the production process: equipment, tools, buildings, constructions, etc. b. (AMS).
11Operator management or monitoring of production technological processes at the same time. (SCADA).
12Data collection, processing, visualization, analysis (sensor, instruments, etc.): data collection, processing; graphical, tabular presentation; determining legitimacy.
13Collection and analysis of data (text, image, audio, video recording) based on AI (machine learning, Big Data, etc.): Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, MongoDB, etc. B
14Data collection and analysis based on computer vision (improving image quality, removing various 'noise', scaling, etc.).
15Data collection and analysis based on natural language processing (NLP): tokenization, classification ('tonality', classification according to belonging to a certain category).
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Бәзіл Г.Д. АСУ производственными процессами. Конспект лекций для студентов специальности 6B07108 – Автоматизация и управление. – Алматы: АУЭС, 2021. – 81 с.
2Схиртладзе А. и др. Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств.-М.: Арбис, 2015. -565 б.
3Парсункин Б.Н. Автоматизация ТП и производств. - Магнитогорск: 'МагниГТУ', 2014. - 213 б.
4Шишмарев В.Ю. Автоматизация технологических процессов: Учебник. - М.: Academia, 2018. - 320 c.
5Еренчинов К.К. и др. АСУ производственными процессами: МУ по вып. лаб. работ. – А.: АУЭС, 2016.