Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MOIR 6310 Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. G.N.Zhylysbayeva

Mastering knowledge about the mechanism of reactions with an in-depth study of the basics of the science of the mechanism of chemical reactions, the basic laws of chemistry. The results of the training will teach to explain the mechanism of reactions based on modern concepts and theories in the field of chemistry, to predict the conditions of their course. To substantiate the reliability and value of the data obtained when studying the mechanism of chemical reactions, the student analyzes and interprets them, learns to process experimental research data using statistical methods.



1. Critical thinking

2. Brainstorming

3. Methodology of step-by-step training

11. The basics of atomic and molecular theory and the basic stoichiometric laws of chemistry; the structure of the periodic table from the point of view of the theory of atomic structure; general patterns of changes in the properties of elements and their compounds by periods and groups of the periodic table; modern theories of the structure of chemical bonds and substances and the basic patterns of chemical processes compare ways to solve problems, make decisions and checks;
22. Applies the acquired knowledge and concepts of the discipline mechanism of inorganic reactions at a professional level. Forms the fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in professional activity, identifies and summarizes the features
33. To develop an idea of the reaction mechanism, to organize methods for obtaining inorganic compounds and the use of materials obtained on its basis in accordance with modern technology and to demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of combining one's opinion with the opinion of the team
44. Shows the direction of chemical reactions according to thermodynamic and electrochemical data; implements concepts, laws and theories of chemistry in solving practical problems encountered in various life situations.
55. In the learning process, he compares modern educational methods and pedagogical technologies, conducts work with scientific literature (reference books, abstract journals, etc.) on the subject of the mechanism of inorganic reactions.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Fundamentals of quantum mechanicsпрезентация
2Theories describing the chemical bondБиблиография
3The mechanism of formation of covalent bondsСұрақ-жауап
4The mechanism of electrolytic dissociationАуызша
5Elements of thermodynamics in inorganic chemistryЖазбаша
6Problems with chemical thermodynamicsАуызша және жазбаша
7Kinetics of inorganic chemistryпрезентация
8The reaction sequence. Solving problems on the topic of reversible reactions of the first and second orderАуызша және жазбаша
9A look at the reaction mechanismЖазбаша
10Chemistry of nonmetals. Solving problems on the topic of galegens, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorusАуызша
11Chemistry of metals. Properties of metals S, p and d.Сұрақ-жауап
12Chemistry of complex compounds. The composition and structure of complex compounds.презентация
13Compounds of variable composition. Stability and collapse of complex compounds. Problem solvingtest
14The mechanism of redox reactions. Properties of redox reactions. Problem solvingпрезентация
15Standard electrode potentials. Electrode potentials. Problem solvingЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Nurseıitov Sh.Sh., Baımaǵanbetov Q.B.Beıorganıkalyq hımıa, Oqý quraly. Almaty, 2014 .
22. Nurdillaeva R.N., Jylysbaeva G.N.Beıorganıkalyq hımıa laboratorıalyq praktıkýmy. Oqý quraly, Shymkent: 'Álem', 2014.
33. Ashkeeva R.K., Týgelbaeva L.M., Ryskalıeva R.G.Hımıa elementov v ýravnenıah reaksıı: ýchebnoe posobıe. Almaty, 2017
44. Glınka N.L., Babkına S.S. Obshaıa hımıa, 2015. 212s. T 1
55. Glınka N.L., Babkına S.S. Obshaıa hımıa, 2015. 164s. T 2
66. Glınka N.L., Babkına S.S. Obshaıa hımıa, 2015. 240s. T 3
77. Glınka N.L., Babkına S.S. Obshaıa hımıa, 2015. 162s. T 4
88. Bekishev Q.Hımıalyq reaksıalar tizbekteri. Oqý ádist. qural. Almaty, 2019 .
99. Bekishev Q.Totyǵý-totyqsyzdaný reaksıalary. Oqý-ádist.qural. Almaty: Qazýn-ti, 2019.
1010. Jylysbaeva G.N., Kabdrahımova A.K., Nurdillaeva R.N.Hımıa laboratorıalyq praktıkýmy. Oqý-ádist.qural. 2017.
1111. Ashkeeva R.K., Ryskalıeva R.G., Týgelbaeva L.M.Zadachı ı ýprajnenıa po kýrsý 'Hımıa elementov'. Ýcheb.-met.posobıe. 2016.