Russian Language and Literature at Schools with non-Russian Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MMPI 3330 Methodology and Methods of Pedagogical Research in Russian Language and Literature Үшінші курс 5 150 0 2 0
Course Descriptions
Yerkibayeva G.G.

формирование знаний о проблемах поиска инновационных путей и средств оптимизации преподавания русского языка и повышения мастерства в эффективной организации учебного процесса, умений анализировать современные методы обучения и педагогические технологии, субъектную позицию обучающегося в целостный образовательный процесс и умение сотрудничать, проявлять инициативу и брать на себя ответственность за организацию образовательной деятельности.



устная (беседа, дискуссия), групповая работа, проблемное обучение, творческий метод (эссе), презентация, деловые игры, тест. .

1can independently plan and implement monitoring studies using methods and processes of monitoring research in the field of education;
2can carry out pedagogical diagnostics of students’ subject and language competencies;
3is able to apply the results of diagnosing individual characteristics of students through the principles and methods of studying the educational environment and educational practice in Russian language and literature lessons
4has information about the types of professional activities, their functions and tasks, has professional skills and abilities, organizational skills;
5interprets the results of defending a methodological portfolio based on reflection on one’s methodological literacy;
6will be able to carry out scientific design of various types, determine the role of the professional position;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of “methodology of pedagogical science”, “pedagogical research” and “teacher-researcher”.презентация
2Pedagogical research. Basic methodological principles of pedagogical research.Сұрақ-жауап
3Stages of pedagogical research.Сұрақ-жауап
4Stages of the pedagogical research process.Сөздік
5The general concept of methods and methodology of pedagogical research.Ауызша
6Pedagogical experiment.презентация
7Pedagogical observation.Article
8Diagnostic conversationпрезентация
9Questioning. Ranging.Жазбаша
10Sociometric survey.презентация
11Modeling method.Ауызша
12The method of independence of characteristics.Article
13The method of testing in pedagogy.Article
14Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.презентация
15Documentation of pedagogical research.Article
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methodology of pedagogical research. Textbook. L.D.Starikova. M. Yurayt. 2023
2Yerkibayeva G.G. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research in the Russian language and literature educational and methodical manual Turkestan: GiGaTRADE, 2020. - 106 p
3Yerkibayeva G.G. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research in the Russian language and literature textbook Turkestan GaGaTRADE, 2020 - 106 p.