Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MMOTPACC 5307 Мodern methodological bases of teaching physical and colloid chemistry Екінші курс 6 180 1 3 -
Course Descriptions
Altynbekova Minash Orazbayevna

The discipline takes a deeper look at the theoretical foundations of chemical processes, the structure of matter, the state of equilibrium of chemical processes in the system and the possibility of its transition from one state to another, improves its pedagogical skills through its motivation and diligence, forming knowledge about changes in the rate of chemical reaction, properties of solutions. In his professional activity, he independently carries out research work using modern research methods, processes experimental research data using statistical methods.



Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods

1Uses and implements methods of chemical and physico-chemical analysis, mastering the basic theories and laws of modern methodological foundations of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry
2Modern methodological foundations of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry can independently search for the necessary new scientific information on the basic laws of the discipline
3Modern methodological foundations of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry from the point of view of modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in the discipline
4summarizes knowledge about the basic laws and theories of chemistry in performing experimental experiments and calculations.
5thanks to the knowledge gained from physical chemistry, he forms his own conclusions and learns the general patterns of various dispersed systems
6Plans and performs an experiment on the discipline modern methodological foundations of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry, critically analyzes the results, on the basis of which he draws conclusions
7Logically substantiates his scientific conclusions using theoretical and practical knowledge of the discipline modern methodological foundations of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methodological aspects of teaching chemical thermodynamics.The laws of thermodynamics. Internal energy. Enthalpy. Entropy. Thermochemistry. Hess's Lawtest
2Methodological aspects of teaching thermodynamics of phase equilibrium. Basic conceptsпрезентация
3Methodological aspects of teaching chemical kinetics. Basic concepts. Reaction speedСұрақ-жауап
4Methodological aspects of teaching chemical equilibrium. Chemical equilibrium and conditions of its shiftАуызша
5Methodological aspects of teaching solutions of nonelectrolytes. Thermodynamic theory of solutionsЖазбаша
6The basic principles of the theory of electrolytic dissociation. Methodological aspects of electrolyte solution trainingАуызша және жазбаша
7Catalysis. The activity of catalysts in catalytic systemsСұрақ-жауап
8Electrochemistry. Electrolytes.Electrode processes. Electromotive forceАуызша
9Methodological aspects of the study of physical chemistry of surface phenomena.Жазбаша
10Methodological aspects of teaching the structural and mechanical properties of dispersed systemsАуызша және жазбаша
11Methodological aspects of teaching colloidal surfactantstest
12The nature and some properties of solutions of high molecular weight substancesпрезентация
13Enzymes. Features of enzymatic catalysisСұрақ-жауап
14Adsorption.. Selective adsorption.Properties of gel, solЖазбаша
15Scientific and theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the main directions of physical and colloidal chemistry.Ауызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Fızıka hımıa, h.Q. Ospanov, D. H. Qamysbaev, E. H. Ablanova, G. H. Shábikova, 2014
2Fızıkalyqhımıanyń negizgii ǵymdary: Oqquraly.D. H. Qamysbaev, 2016
3Fızıka hımıa kýrstary boıynsha baǵdarlamalar jáne esepter.Oqý quraly, 2015.- 118 s
4Fızıka hımıa kýrstary boıynsha baǵdarlamalar jáne esepter.Oqý quraly.2015. Túsipbekova A. S., Myrzaǵalıeva M. G
5Fızıka hımıasy.Jyldamdar ózgerýdiń mehanızmderi.Oqý 3 bólim.2014. Etkıns P., Dj. Paýla
6Fızıka hımıa pán boıynsha testter (hımıa kınetıkasy jáne elektrohımıa).2016. Ospanova A. K., Syzdyqova L. I., Seılhanova G. A., Júsipova A. K
7Fızıkalyq hımıa. 2 bólim: Oqý quraly.2020.– 224 s. Ospanova A. K., Seılhanova G. A.
8Fızıkalyq hımıanyń tujyrymdamalyq apparaty: oqý quraly.2020. - 127 s. Qamysbaev D.H.
9Hımıalyq fızıka: oqý quraly. 2015. 418 B Mansýrov z. A., Ońǵarbaev E. K., Qudaıbergenov K. K
10Koloıdtyq hımıa: Oqý quraly. 2016. Omarova Q.I.
11Koloıdty hımıa teorıasy. Oqý quraly, 2015. Altynbekova M.O
12Nanobólshekterdiń koloıdtyq-hımıalyq qasıetteri: Oqý quraly. 2015. Musabekov Q.B., Esımova O.A., Kerımkýlova M.J.
13Koloıdnaıa hımıa. Ýchebnoe posobıe / A. N. Dúragına. - Almaty : TechSmith, 2022. - 220 s.
14Koloıdnaıa hımıa: ýchebnoe posobıe. 2016. K.Omarova
15Koloıdno-hımıcheskıe osnovy podgotovkı neftı: Ýchebnoe posobıe. 2016. Adılbekova A.O, Mýsabekov K.B.
16Koloıdno-hımıcheskıe osnovy nanotehnologıı: ýchebnoe posobıe. 2020. Orazymbetova A.B., Mýsabekov K.B.