Religious Studies (2020)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MKK 1208 State-interreligious relations Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Kamalova Feride Bolatkyzy

Purpose: assistance to future religious scholars in ways to legislatively solve problems arising in relations between state denominations. During the course, students master concepts such as religion and human rights; freedom of conscience and religion; constitutional and legal foundations of conscience, religious freedoms and religious associations; state and religious associations; state and interfaith relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad: history and modernity; religious laws of foreign countries; the principle of secularism; maintaining interfaith harmony: interpretation of domestic and foreign experience.

Religion and politics

Fundamentals of religion

Group work, learning and study, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental teaching method.

1- can form an understanding of state-interreligious relations, can make a historical review of it;
2- learns the theoretical problems of the legal definition of religion and religious organizations;
3– can distinguish the criteria of relations between the state and religious organizations (religions);
4– Explains the distinction between traditional and non-traditional religious movements;
5- The typology of states related to the relationship between religion and religious organizations can be determined;
6- learns religious freedom in international law;
7– considers the religious ideology of the Soviet Union;
8- learns the current situation and problems of administrative-legal relations between the state and religious organizations in Kazakhstan;
9– shows the analysis of the main process of changes in the religious climate in different regions and socio-ethnic groups;
10- applies the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on religion.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of state-interreligious relationsАуызша
2Historical review of state-interreligious relationsАуызша
3Theoretical problems of the legal definition of religion and religious organizationsСөздік
4Criteria of relations between the state and religious organizations (religions)Ауызша
5Typology of states related to religion and religious organizationsАуызша
6Models of state-interreligious relations existing in the modern world: on the basis of Sweden, USA, GermanyСөздік
7Religious freedom in international lawСөздік
8The importance of the sources and written monuments of ancient Turkic law in the formation of state-confessional relations in the Kazakh landпрезентация
9The place and role of custom and sharia in traditional Kazakh societyАуызша
10The accession of Kazakhstan to Russia and changes in the relationship between the state and religionАуызша
11Religious ideology of the Soviet UnionЖазбаша
12History of relations between the state and religious organizations in KazakhstanАуызша
13The current situation and problems of administrative-legal relations between the state and religious organizations in Kazakhstanпрезентация
14Improvement of legislation and activities of state bodies in the field of state-interreligious relationsпрезентация
15The religious situation of Kazakhstan: the influence of global phenomenaпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Зайырлы ел – қайырлы ел. Оқулық, Астана 2017, Д.Т.Кенжетаев.
2Қазақстан Республикасындағы мемлекеттік-конфессиялық қарым-қатынастар. Әдістемелік құрал, Астана 2015.
3Светскость и религия в современном Казахстане: модернизация духовно-культурных смыслов и стратегий: Коллективная монография. Алматы: Институт философии, политологии и религиоведения КН МОН РК, 2020.
4Дінтанулық зерттеулер. Мақалалар мен сұхбаттар жинағы. 1 том. - Астана : Дін мәселел. жөнідегі ғылыми-зерттеу және талдау орталығы, 2018. - 204 б.
5Дін және қоғам: заманауи дискурс. Монография. Н. Ж. Байтенова, А. А. Демеуова, Д. М. Кокеева. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2020. - 140 б.