Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - Chinese)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MK 12138 Professional Induction Бірінші курс 5 3 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD. Khalmatova Z.

The discipline acquaints students with the specifics of the organization of the educational process, as well as with the features of teaching a foreign language at the present stage.

As a result of mastering the discipline, students know the theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching a foreign language; are able to rationally use in practice theoretical knowledge on the organization of the process of teaching a foreign language; know the practical basics of teaching a foreign language.



1. Group work, work in pair, learning and study, group project work method, Silent way method, Project based approach technology,

2. dialogue, developmental teaching method, poster protection,  creativity teaching methods, Group work, cloud technology,  

3. creative thinking, problem composition method, project work method, professional skill improvement method, Notetaking techniques

4. communicative method, Think-Pair-Share method, PPP method, Task-based Learning method, Jigsaw method, problem composition method,

5. Modular learning technology, Brainstorming, Collaborative and cooperative learning, TBL-Task based learning

1As a future specialist, he develops the theoretical foundations of teaching a foreign language, the norms of language levels, and increases his comprehensive competence related to his profession.
2As a future teacher, he learns to freely express his thoughts and share his thoughts
3During the lesson, he completes tasks by participating in discussions on topics related to his specialty.
4In the course of the lesson, they learn to support the skills of analysis, interpretation, generalization and synthesis, solving educational-practical and professional-pedagogical tasks.
5Can use critical thinking skills in planning, organizing and evaluating the pedagogical work process while learning to communicate with students;
6Students learn to monitor individual and age-specific psychophysiological abilities and needs;
7Forms the skills of practical application of the main theories of modern methods of language teaching;
8Implements the process of training and education, forming control and decision-making skills in accordance with the specialty.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Some Basic Principles of Teaching
2Language Teaching Methodology
3Learner-Centered Language Teaching
12Learning Styles and Strategies
13The structure of a Language Lesson
14Planning Lessons
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1avid, N. (2015). Teaching English to speakers. Teaching English to speakers of other languages-An introduction. Routledge.
2Snow, D. (2007). From language learner to language teacher: An Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Alexandria: McNaughton & Gunn. Publisher: TESOL International Association.
3Ur, P. (2012). A course in English language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
4Hadfield, J., & Hadfield, C. (2008). Introduction to teaching English.
5Berry, R. (2010). Terminology in English language teaching: Nature and use (Vol. 93). Peter lang.
6Johnson, K. (2017). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. Routledge.
7Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Pincas, A., & Wilde, R. D. (2002). Teaching English as a foreign language. Routledge.