Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MG 1286 Introduction to the Profession Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Oshakbayeva J.B.

It is studied in order to form ideas about the main trends in the development of the modern Russian language and the modern literary process. The discipline is aimed at preparing for further study of linguistic and literary disciplines. As a result of studying the discipline, students acquire the skills to analyze, interpret, generalize and synthesize the theoretical foundations of the modern science of language and literary studies.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Working in pairs,
3. Blitz questions,
4. Case study,
5. Methods of developmental learning,
6. Creative learning methods,
7. Using IT technology
8. Group work,
9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),
10. Glossary,
11. Presentation,
12. Business Games,
13. Associogram,
14. Bibliography,
15. Test,
16. The written method.
17. For students with disabilities, together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules).

1knows theoretical material in the field of language and literary studies; explains facts from the standpoint of the historical development of language and literature;
2interprets modern linguistic and literary knowledge from the standpoint of language science and literary studies;
3He is proficient in modern research tools and various ways of translating knowledge of the basic concepts of linguistics and literary studies
4He is able to use theoretical materials in the field of linguistics and literary studies, the main provisions of the system and structure of language, the rules of analysis of a literary text.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Language functions. The connection of linguistics with other sciences.
2Language and society. Language and speech.
3Classification of vowel sounds. Classification of consonant sounds. Changes in sounds in the speech stream.
4Supersegmental phonetic units.
5The lexical meaning of the word and the concept. Types of lexical meanings of words. Historical changes in the vocabulary of the language. Lexicography.
6The grammatical form. Means of expressing grammatical meanings. A grammatical category.
7Onomasiology. Etymology.
8The origin and main stages of the development of writing. Alphabet, graphics, spelling. Classification of languages.
9Basic and auxiliary literary disciplines. A literary work as an artistic whole
10Visual and expressive means of poetic language. Trails. Stylistic figures.
11Versification. Definition of the verse. The rhythmic organization of the verse. The metric. Stanzas. Rhyme.
12The genera of literature. Epic. Lyrics. Drama. The problem of the genre. The evolution of genre forms.
13The theme and idea of a literary and artistic work. Artistic means of revealing themes and ideas.
14The boundaries of fiction. The literary process. Artistic style and method.
15The main literary trends and trends.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Introduction to literary criticism. Textbook. Edited by Krupchanov.L.M. M., Yurait, 2023.
2T.I.Vendina. Introduction to linguistics. Textbook. M., Yurait, 2023.
3Oshakbayeva Zh.B. Questions of literary theory. Educational and methodical manual. Turkestan, 2017.
4Oshakbayeva J.B. Introduction to the specialty. Turkestan, 2019.
5Baituova A.N. Introduction to linguistics. Turkestan, 2020.
6D.L.Karpov. An introduction to literary studies. YarGU 2015.
7E.L.Berezovich N.V.Kalinina O.V.Mishchenko Introduction to linguistics. Yekaterinburg, 2014.