Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MB 3298 Biology at School Үшінші курс 10 300 1 4 0
Course Descriptions
Serzhanova Aikerim

Allowing the inclusion of knowledge about three levels of life, the biology content taught in school provides for its unity, its place in the scientific picture of the world, a conscious understanding of the essence of biological processes and phenomena, the completeness of their general educational readiness,. Mastering the biological disciplines at school, student fully learns the system of methodological knowledge and professional qualifications, conducts pedagogical research in a practical way



Group work, brainstorming, experimental research, critical thinking

1(LO 8) Applies the acquired knowledge and skills, theoretical and applied aspects of biological science in professional activities
2(LO 10) Develops educational and methodological materials based on theoretical knowledge, taking into account the structure of living organisms, basic properties, patterns of processes characteristic of the organism
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General description of the plant kingdom Cell. Plant tissueЖазбаша
2Vegetative organs of a plantЖазбаша
3Reproductive organs of plantsЖазбаша
4Formation of organic substances in leaves and plants. PhotosynthesisЖазбаша
5Bacteria, viruses and fungiЖазбаша
6Lower plantsЖазбаша
7Higher plantsЖазбаша
8General description of the animal world Features of the animal's bodyЖазбаша
9Unicellular animals or protozoaЖазбаша
10Multicellular animalsЖазбаша
11Relationships between organisms and the environment. General overview of the structure and functions of the human body. Behavior and psyche. Human healthЖазбаша
12General principles of the structure of living organismsЖазбаша
13Basic properties of living organismsЖазбаша
14Basics of genetics and selectionЖазбаша
15Biosphere, its structure and functionsЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1G. I. Isaev, G. S. Khalikova, G. B. Alpamysova Biology teaching methodology Shymkent 2017
2Begaliev R.N., Isaev G.I., Ergubekova J.S. Innovative aspects of teaching. Educational tool. Shymkent 2017
3Satimbekov R., Musabekov K.S. Laboratory lessons of vertebrate zoology. Almaty: 'Girls' University' publishing house
4Orlova, L.G. Methods of teaching biology: Educational and methodological manual. - Kostanay: KSU im. A. Baitursynova, 2019