Public and Local administration
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КТ 2172 Leadership Theory Екінші курс 5 15 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
S.S. Ydyris

The discipline studies the methodology and practice of effective management of the behavior and interaction of people through the effective use of leadership qualities, styles, methods of influence. The subject is a prerequisite for the fundamental training of specialists, and is designed to ensure the formation of a creatively active personality, capable of rationally using his own strengths and the capabilities of the environment that dictates certain principles of activity.

brainstorming, teamwork, critical thinking, case stages, developmental learning

1forms public and practical experience
2practices approaches and methods of organization management
3Coordinates human activity management and team management skills
4uses the phenomenon of leadership in the framework of an international partnership
5applies innovative leadership approaches and methods in practice
6can effectively manage conflicts in order to create a group and choose methods to resolve them
7Is able to make plans and schedules of the main steps to achieve the goal set for the team and evaluate the necessary time, information and other resources
8Is able to assess the possibilities of realizing his own professional goals and set priorities
9is able to adjust personal and professional development plans
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theory of power. Power and influence
2The concept of leadership. Theories of leadership
3The concept of leadership. Theories of leadership
4The relationship between leadership and management
5Traditional leadership concepts
6Theories of leadership qualities
7Behavioral theories of leadership
8Modern classification of leadership styles. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional leadership styles
9Situational theories of leadership
10The path‐goal approach by T. Mitchell and R. House
11The concept and formation of leadership style in management
12Genotypically and phenotypically determined qualities of a leader. Gender differences in leadership
13The main strategies of effective leaders
14The image of a leader. Business communication
15The main tasks of a leader in team building
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Leadership Theory, 2019, Shymkent. Training manual. K. Berkimbayev, R. Kadirbaeva, M. Sultanmurat, Zh. Buraeva
2Leadership: Theory and practice-Almaty: public Foundation 'National Translation Bureau', 2020.-560 pages. Peter Northhouse
3Leadership Theory. Beisembayeva S. teaching post. Turkestan 2020
4Leadership Theory, A. K. Abdillayev, B. M. Baimukhanbetov, textbook Turkestan 2019
5scientific pedagogical foundations of introducing the experience of scientific pedagogical, leadership activities of A. Sembayev into the process of professional training of future specialists. Turkestan. 2020 educational manual . G. T. Tokkulova