Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КM 6309 Applied Microbiology Екінші курс 7 210 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
Shakhnoza Sarzhanova

The discipline introduces the ability of microorganisms to survive in extreme environmental conditions, comprehensively consider medical, pharmaceutical, industrial, agricultural, soil, veterinary, environmental microbiology and pathology. Students will learn how to independently conduct research work using the basic theoretical laws of biology and modern research methods, process experimental research data using statistical methods, and correctly assess the conditions of the experiment.



Group work,
brainstorming, exchange
of ideas, critical thinking

1LO8 - Conducts their analysis to substantiate the value of data obtained within the framework of modern concepts and theories in the field of biology in the implementation of pedagogical activity.
2LO9 - Independently carries out research work in professional activity and processes experimental research data by statistical methods, harmoniously applying the basic theoretical laws of biology and modern educational methods and research methods.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to applied microbiology. History of microbiology.Ауызша және жазбаша
2Classification, structure and function of microorganismsАуызша және жазбаша
3Physiology of microorganisms (development- reproduction- nutrition)Ауызша және жазбаша
4Genetics of microorganismsАуызша және жазбаша
5Effective factors on the development of microorganismsАуызша және жазбаша
6Applied Microbiology in MedicineАуызша және жазбаша
7Antimicrobial agents: antibiotics and their mechanism of action.Ауызша және жазбаша
8Vaccines and immunologyАуызша және жазбаша
9Microbiology in agriculture. The role of microorganisms in soil fertility.Ауызша және жазбаша
10Plant-Microbe Interactions.Ауызша және жазбаша
11Industrial microbiology: fermentation processesАуызша және жазбаша
12Bioremediation: Role of microbes in environmental cleanup and applications of bioremediation in waste treatment.Ауызша және жазбаша
13Use of microorganisms in the production of biofuels, enzymes, and other bioproducts..Ауызша және жазбаша
14Introduction to immunology, immune system cells and organsАуызша және жазбаша
15Immune response mechanisms: Importance of the microbiome in human health. Advances in microbiome research and its potential applications.Ауызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Sami Özçelik Genel Mikrobiyoloji. Medical Kitabevi 2022
2Mıkrobıologıa. Oqýquraly [Mátin] / Q. T. Jumanov, Q.B. Oryntaev, E. E. Qulpybaı, A. E. Altenoa. - Almaty: TechSmith, 2022.
3Mıkrobıologıa jáne vırýsologıa: Elektrondyq oqýlyq . /. - Qaraǵandy: Qarmtý, 2015. .