Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KL 4338 Cognitive Linguistics төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ph.D., Associate Prof. Isaeva Z.I

Cognitive linguistics. Research form of cognitive linguistics. Definition of cognitive linguistics. Learns the history of cognitive linguistics research Cognitive linguistics is one of the new directions of linguistics, an interdisciplinary field of science belonging to the anthropocentric paradigm, cognitive linguistics is a science that studies the natural cognitive nature of language. He uses the knowledge gained in learning the ways of formation and development of cognitive linguistics, the history of research, the concepts and understandings of conversational behavior in the theory of language, and the cognitive theory of language to be able to propose new solutions.

motivation for language learning

1 working in a team
2. critical thinking
3. brainstorming, case study
4 developmental learning method
5. Case-study Method,
6. poster protection
7 method of Group project work.

1Determines the content, types, laws, principles, technologies of cognitive linguistics.
2Defines cognitology.
3He uses his knowledge of cognitive linguistics in his research work
4Scientists who study cognitology make a professional analysis of their works, norms of the literary language in the stages of development
5He demonstrates his skills and exercises while supplementing his knowledge.
6Formulates the process of language, thinking and cognition from a theoretical point of view, summarizes knowledge about the current development trend of cognitive linguistics.
7Conceptual and theoretical foundations of the Kazakh language and literature, typological features of the Kazakh language are used in project writing
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Cognitive linguistics is a separate branch of science
2History of research of cognitive linguistics
3View of cognitive linguistics in Kazakh linguistics
4Language thinking and cognitive process
5Cognitive linguistics and terminology
6Cognitism and cognitology
7Union of language and knowledge
8Linguistic model.
9Linguistic consciousness and text structure
10Cognitive linguistics and the fields of linguistics
11Cognitive linguistics and language communication
12Sociolinguistics and cognitive linguistics
13Psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics
14Etnolinguistics and cognitive linguistics
15Problems of cognitive vocabulary and semantics
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Cognitive learning technologies / University of Kazakhstan, 2014. - 132 p. - ISBN 978-601-04-0686-5 : B. ts. Mynbaeva, A. K. A. K. Mynbaeva, Z. M. Sadvakasova. Sociolinguistics 2018 Turlybekov B.D.
2Introduction to linguistics. - Moscow, 2018. Fromkin V., Rodman R., Hyams N.
3Social cognition of language. Educational tool. - Turkestan: Turan, 2020. - 172 p. - B. ts. Koshanova, N. D.
4Language and intercultural communication. 2018. Ter-Minasova S. G.
5Language history: Ed. Chairman of the board: Tajin M.M. ; Speaker: U. Chesenbayeva. - Almaty: National Translation Bureau, 2019. - 244 p. - ISBN 978-601-7943-21-9 : P. ts. Janson, T.
6Sadvakasova. Sociolinguistics 2018 Turlybekov B.D.