Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KKTGL 2213 Scientific Lexicology of the Modern Kazakh Language Екінші курс 6 180 3 3 0
Course Descriptions
Candidate of philological Sciences, senior lecturer S. Magzhan

Knowledge of the Meaning, Origin, origin, stylistic meaning and character of words, applicability, and the lexical system of the language is formed. Be able to critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of information about the subject of lexicology of the Kazakh language, think, prove their point of view and offer new solutions. Improves self-development, improving the results of professional activity in the discipline lexicology of the Kazakh language. Along with the practical orientation, the course implements educational and educational goals, contributing to the 
improvement of their general culture and education.

 Scientific morphology of the modern Kazakh language

Scientific phonetics of the modern Kazakh language

2. critical thinking
3. brainstorming
4. case study
5. the method of developing learning 
6. poster protection
7. the method of group project work

1explains the acquired knowledge from the vocabulary of the Kazakh language, applies knowledge and skills in practice;
2gives a scientific definition of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language;
3conducts a professional analysis of the works of lexicology researchers, knowledge about the word, concept, meaning;
4uses various methods and techniques in the application of knowledge, uses new technologies;
5understands the lexical and phraseological character of the Kazakh language, demonstrates fundamental knowledge about the system, structure and functions of the Kazakh language, knows the theory, laws of the modern Kazakh language regarding language levels and offers types of scientific analysis, applying it in practice;
6forms general laws of the origin, development and functioning of the Kazakh language about the general laws of the origin, development and functioning of the Kazakh language, summarizes knowledge about current trends in the development of the verbal system of the Kazakh language.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of lexicology and its form.Ауызша
2Concept and word meaning.Ауызша
3Definition of the word. Characteristic features of the word.Сөздік
4Word forms and content. Services. The word optionsАуызша
5The development of the meaning of the word.Ауызша
6The meaning of the words classification by presence.Сөздік
7Taboo. Euphemisms and dysphemisms.Сөздік
8Vocabulary and vocabulary composition.Ауызша
9Channels of origin of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh language.Ауызша
10The range of application of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh languageСөздік
11Stylistic meaning of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh languageАуызша
12Phraseological units of the modern Kazakh language.Ауызша
13Types of phraseological units.Ауызша
14Lexicography. Types of dictionariesСөздік
15Lexicography. Types of dictionaries.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Fromkin V., Rodman R., Hayams N. introduction to linguistics 2018.
2Magzhan S. lexicology of the modern Kazakh language. Training manual. 2020.
3Magzhan S. practical course of lexicology of the Kazakh language. Turkestan, 2019
4Dictionary of borrowed words of the Kazakh language. / Comp.: Sh. Kurmanbayuly, S. Iskakov, B. Mizamkhan, etc.2019.