Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KKTGL 2212 Scientific Phonetics of the Modern Kazakh Language Екінші курс 4 120 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
Candidate of philological Sciences, senior lecturer: Moldachоva A.А

The ability to perform a phonetic analysis of the functions of language, forms of life, pronunciation and spelling of words is formed. In his profession, he uses the study and development of the field of phonetics, the formation of sounds, letters, phonemes and the characteristics of sounds. While studying the sounds of language, he studies modern information technologies and uses them in the professional field. Strengthens professional activities and increases creativity in business. Determine the original sound composition of the Kazakh language, describe its internal system of construction, analyze sound changes, determine the types of melodies, classify phonetic and phonological analysis-characteristics, analyze and find out that each of them is an independent area.

Scientific morphology of the modern Kazakh language

Introduction to Linguistics

1. Teamwork
2. critical thinking
3. brainstorming
4. case study
5. the method of developing learning 
6. poster protection
7. the method of group project work

1Analyzes the importance of sound and phonetic elements of modern scientific Kazakh language;
2Makes a professional analysis of the researches of the 19th, 20th, second half of the 20th centuries, and the researches of the last quarter of the 20th century;
3Defines the composition of Kazakh language sounds;
4Makes a scientific analysis of the phonetic system of the Kazakh language in the 60-80s;
5learns the classification of the sounds of the Kazakh language in a new way;
6During the study of language sounds, he learns modern information technologies
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Object of study, goal, task of the subject “Scientific phonetics of the modern Kazakh language”. The concept of sound. The meaning of phonemes.Ауызша
2Periods of studying Kazakh phonetics. Structure of Kazakh phonetics, areas of research. Basic phonetic concepts and names.Ауызша
3Composition of sounds of the Kazakh language. Phonetic system of the Kazakh language in the 60-80s. Study of Kazakh vocalism.Сөздік
4Study of the phonetic system of sounds of the Kazakh language from the point of view of the law of synharmony. New methods of analysis and classification of sounds of the Kazakh language.Ауызша
5Sound analysis of the Kazakh wordАуызша
6The meaning of the words classification by presence.Сөздік
7Taboo. Euphemisms and dysphemisms..Сөздік
8Vocabulary and vocabulary composition.Ауызша
9Channels of origin of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh language.Ауызша
10The range of application of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh language.Сөздік
11Stylistic meaning of the vocabulary of the modern Kazakh languageАуызша
12Phraseological units of the modern Kazakh language.Ауызша
13Types of phraseological units.Ауызша
14Lexicography. Types of dictionariesСөздік
15Lexicography. Types of dictionaries.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Zhunisbek A. Problems of Kazakh language education. Kazakh phonetics. Almaty. 'Abzal-Ai' 2018. 368 p.
2Moldashova A.A. Phonetics of the Kazakh language. Textbook. Turkestan, 2019р.