Religious Studies
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KDM 5213 Modern Problems of Religious Studies Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Kymbat Karatyshkanova

The course is aimed at improving the analysis of the problems of modern religious studies, describing the systems of dominant paradigms in the study of religion; determining the prerequisites for the methodology of a scientific approach to the study of religious phenomena, theoretical and methodological analysis of the relationship between the structure of modern religious studies and secular religious education. The course develops the ability to collect and interpret information about social, ethical, psychological and cultural processes in modern society, for use in educational activities.



narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Analyzing the content, sources and direction of the main concepts of religious studies, it shows the connection with professional activity
2defines the relevant methodological and philosophical problems of the sciences of religion, as well as the cultural and historical phenomenon of religion.
3forms an understanding of the features of religious and theological evaluations given to the place of religion in society, spiritual and ethical life, and forms norms of tolerant behavior.
4compares the activities of traditional and non-traditional religious movements by studying religious values
5forms the ability to analyze modern religious studies, discusses changes in the religious situation and socio-ethical main trends in different regions;
6conducts experiments on changes in the religious climate and socio-ethical main trends in different regions.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. The current state of religious education: subject, function and place in the system of sciencesБиблиография
22. Dynamics of modern religious education: scientometric analysis. A paradigm case of religious studiesСұрақ-жауап
33. Structure of modern religious studies: integration and its possibilitiesАуызша
44. The problem of preservation of national and cultural identity at the stage of development of modern Kazakhstani societyСұрақ-жауап
55. The problem of inter-ethnic relations within the framework of formation of national identity in KazakhstanАуызша
66. Religious education and polyconfessional societyАуызша және жазбаша
77. The role of the Islamic tradition in creating a multi-religious dialogueЖазбаша
88. Polyconfessional identity in overcoming religious conflict and extremismСұрақ-жауап
99. Abu Nasir al-Farabi's concept of intelligence in modern thinkingАуызша
1010. The problem of intellectual nationalization during the period of the Kazakh KhanateАуызша
1111. Problems of forming an intellectual nation in the creativity of dance-speakersАуызша
1212. Ideological significance of the legacies of M.Zh. Kopeiuli in resisting religious extremismСұрақ-жауап
1313. Philosophy of religion: historical and philosophical analysisСұрақ-жауап
1414. The core of traditional religion is the main features of the Hanafi-Maturid doctrineАуызша
1515. The Islamic worldview of the Hanafi-Maturiidi orientation and the main differences between 'political Islam' and religious literalismАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Байтенова Н., және басқалары. Діни философия. Оқу құралы, Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2017,-228 б.
22. Қоғамдық сананы жаңғырту міндеттері аясындағы қазақстандық бірегейлікті қалыптастыру. 3-кітап. Алматы: ИФПР КН МОН РК, 2020. -668 с. қазақша, орысша.
33. Есим Г. История казахской философии. Учебное пособие. Алматы, 2019.
44. Байтенова Н.,және басқалары. Діни философия. Оқу құралы, Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2017,-228 б. (
51. Қаратышқанова Қ. Діни философия.Оқу-әдістемелік нұсқау.Түркістан: Тұран.2021.-80 б.
62. Роль религии в историческом и духовно-культурном развитии Казахстана. Традиции и современность. Монография. Алматы: 2016. -360 стр.
73. Иванов А. Философия и религия. Академическое введение в основные концепции и термины. Учебное пособие. Владимир: Изд-во ВлГУ. 2012. (