Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
КDM 5206 Methods of Teaching the Kazakh Language Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD. Professor Kadasheva K.

The purpose of the subject "Methodology of teaching the Kazakh language" is to form competence in ways to comprehensively analyze the system-structural, semantic, formal, functional aspects of language units and teach them to the student. Prepares didactic and methodical developments in the use of teaching methods, forms, technologies, tools. Evaluates educational achievements independently and uses methods of early diagnosis of potential. Prepares didactic and methodical developments in the use of teaching methods, forms, technologies, tools. He uses the development trends of the language, the typological features of the Kazakh language in project writing, and plans to improve professional qualifications on his own.

1. Group work
 2. Developmental teaching method
 3. Problem teaching method
 4. Creativity teaching methods
 5. Design
 6. Method of improving professional skills

1Explains the knowledge gained from linguistics, applies knowledge and skills in practice.
2When applying his knowledge, he uses various methods, uses new technologies.
3Uses modern educational methodology and technology; performs actions in accordance with instructions to achieve results, demonstrates skills; studies the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the Kazakh language and literature, its place and value in the general system of sciences, the history of development and current situation;
4Learns the pedagogical requirements of communication with students in the process of education and training and the methodological bases of teaching.
5The ability to carry out pedagogical education work with the subjects of the educational process, to implement scientific research work in the professional field and to give advice; applies knowledge in decision-making, psychological and pedagogical diagnosis; implements modern diagnostic methods (business) in accordance with the instructions; provides pedagogical and psychological support in diagnosis.
66. Грамматикалық категорияларды саралап көрсетеді;
77. Морфемаларды жіктеу, жұрнақ пен жалғау қасиеттерін анықтау жұмыстарын жүргізеді;
88. Сөз таптары, олардың түрлерін ажыратып, морфологиялық құрылымын анықтайды
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methodological foundations of Kazakh language teaching methodology.
2New trends, paradigms, principles and directions of teaching the Kazakh language
3Basic and regulatory documents for teaching the Kazakh language.
4Author title. The final results of teaching the subject 'Kazakh language' are competences. Importance of formation of ethno-cultural competence in teaching the Kazakh language
5Author title. Innovative technologies of teaching the Kazakh language. Forms of teaching the Kazakh language, interactive methods. Formation of critical thinking skills.
6Requirements for learning 'Kazakh language' from the point of view of functional literacy
7Methodology of teaching lexicology of the Kazakh language. Methodology of teaching the phonetics of the Kazakh language
8Methodology of teaching vocabulary
9Methodology of teaching grammar (morphology, syntax). Methodology of teaching morphology
10Syntax teaching methodology
11Stylistics and text teaching methodology
12Spelling teaching technology
13Punctuation teaching technologies
14Technologies of teaching word culture
15Teaching technologies of rhetoric
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Тілді оқыту мотивациясы.Оқу құралы. 2018. Ж.Дәулетбекова, Ж.Исаева,
2Ж.ЕрмекбаеваОқытудың инновациялық әдіс-тәсілдері: оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Алматы, 2015ж. Н.Қ. Мәтбек
3Қазақ тілі мен әдебиет пәнінде педагогикалық зерттеу әдіснамасы мен әдістемесі. Оқу құралы. Шымкент, 2018. А.Р.Боранбаева, Ж.Исаева, К.М.Беркимбаев
4Өлшеу және бағалау. Монография. Сагиндиков И..-Нұр -Султан. 2021
5Педагогикалық-психологиялық практикум: кейс-әдісін қолдану әдістемесі. Оқу құралы. Шымкент, 2019. Ж.З.Торыбева, М.Ө.Тусеев, С.А.Күзжанова