Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KBK 42101 Modern Business Communication төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh

The discipline develops all the skills necessary for modern communication specialists, from reports printed in traditional format to modern digital, social, visual and mobile media. The student will have all the basic skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly developing job market. Learns to use social networks, mobile media and other new technologies professionally.

Group work, work in pairs, blitz questions, creative learning method, problem solving essay, problem learning method, brainstorming.

1Defines the key elements of effective email communication in a business context. Applies best practices for crafting professional emails tailored to specific business scenarios. Evaluates and critiques email communication to identify areas for improvement.
2Identifies and compares various virtual meeting and collaboration tools. Demonstrates proficiency in using these tools to facilitate remote team communication. Evaluates the advantages and challenges of virtual collaboration in modern business settings.
3Analyzes the impact of cultural differences on communication in a global business environment. Develops strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration. Applies cross-cultural communication skills in simulated or real-world scenarios.
4Defines the role of data visualization in conveying complex information in business communication. Chooses appropriate charts, graphs, and visual elements for different types of business data. Creates and present visually compelling business communication materials using data visualization techniques.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Digital Transformation in Business Communication
2Effective Email Communication in the Workplace
3Virtual Meetings and Collaboration Tools
4Social Media for Business Communication
5Crisis Communication and Reputation Management
6Cross-Cultural Communication in Global Business
7Business Writing Skills
8Internal Communication Strategies
9Leadership Communication
10Customer Communication and Relationship Management
11Data Visualization for Business Communication
12Legal and Ethical Considerations in Business Communication
13Adapting Communication Styles for Different Audiences
14Innovations in Business Communication Technologies
15Measuring and Improving Communication Effectiveness
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Қazaқstanda shaғyn zhәne orta biznestі basқaru zhүjesіn zhetіldіru. Monografiya / Myrzaliev B. S. - Tүrkіstan : Tұran, 2015
2Strategiya razvitiya malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v RK. / O. Sabden, i dr. ; Pod red.: akadem. NAN RK A.A. Satybaldina. - Almaty : In-tut ekonom. KN MON RK, 2017
3Osnovy predprinimatel'stva. Uchebnoe posobie. / A. N. Bajgelova, ZH. E. Sadykova, T. M. Nasymhan. - Almaty : Lantar Trejd, 2019
4Biznes-analiz. Uchebnoe posobie / Sost. Dzhanshanlo R.E. - Almaty : Қazaқ un-tі, 2017