Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KAT 3209 History of Kazakh Literature of the XIX Century Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Philology Dr, Associate Professor М.Alipkhan

Students will get acquainted with the text of Abai's works and learn about their ideological and aesthetic values, get acquainted with the text of Abai's works and form their own opinion about their ideological and aesthetic values. By improving in professional activity, the ability of self-development increases by increasing creativity in business. Learns about the stages of formation of theoretical ideas in the science of Kazakh literary studies, concepts and categories, currents and trends in literature. Students are introduced to the actual problems of education - the doctrine of morality, the knowledge of a complete person, and thoughts of rulership.


20th century II in Kazakh literary studies, development of criticism in Kazakh literature, 20th century in Kazakh literary studies III.     

Problems of folk oral literature, ancient and khanate period of Kazakh literature, 19th century in Kazakh literary studies.

1. narrative,
2. exchange of opinions,
3. debate,
4. problematic methods,
5. training in professional skills.

1Capable of identifying and recognizing the actual problem in science;
2Demonstrates knowledge of new knowledge, new knowledge, and the results of scientific achievements;
3Able to apply the knowledge and lessons of the doctrine of the Complete Man in Abaytanu in life;
4Understand the originality of Abai's worldview and the content of his thinking;
5Know the content, system, and network of a complete person's teaching;
6Masters the essence of the knowledge of “zhauanmartlik” and “imanigul”;
7Can recognize and explain the fundamental truths in Abai's works.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The first cautioners.Ауызша
2An attempt to recognize Abai's heritage.Ауызша
3Article by two. Work of M. Auezov.Ауызша
4The doctrine of 'The Complete Man'.Ауызша
5Abai's poetic heritage.Ауызша
6Poems written in 1885, 1886.Ауызша
7The stage of the poet's work was completed and perfected.Жазбаша
8The poet's thoughts about human nature, transience of life and death, life.Ауызша
9Abai about wisdomАуызша
10Abai's knowledge of love.Жазбаша
11Knowledge of the secret of the soul in the 7th lecture.Ауызша
12A thought about the heart in the 14th Word.Ауызша
13Deep excitement in the 15th Word.
14Complete human cognition in the 17th Word.Ауызша
15Lesson of the 27th Word.Ауызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Мырзахметұлы М. Абайтану. Алматы 2010.
2Әліпхан М. Адамгершілік ілімі және Хакім Абай. Алматы: Қазақ кітабы. 2020. – 480 б.
3Әліпхан М. Абайтанудың өзекті мәселелері. Алматы: Дарын. 2022. – 285 б.
4Мырзахметұлы М. Қазақ әдебиетіндегі сопылық таным. Алматы « ГИС-print». 2012
5Мырзахметұлы М., Шойынбет Ж., Әліпхан М. Абай мұрасының өзекті мәселелері. Алматы: ҚазҰПУ: Ұлағат баспасы. 2010.
6Сабден О. Абай және қазақ елінің болашағы. Абай и будущее Казахстана Кітап-Алматы, 2016.
7Джонстон Д. Философияның қысқаша тарихы: Сократтан Дерридаға дейін. 2018.
8Барнард А. Антропология тарихы мен теориясы. 2018.