Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IYE 3211 Literature in the First Half of the 20th Century Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ph.D. in Philology, docent m.a. Tolysbaeva A.

By studying the subject “Literature of the first half of the twentieth century,” the student acquires knowledge about the historical and social situation of the Kazakh people during the period of colonial oppression in the twentieth century and the literature that developed accordingly. Increases the results of professional activities, improves self-development. It examines the complex growth and maturity of literature in the first half of the twentieth century from a thematic and genre perspective. The formation of a new ideology in accordance with historical, social, spiritual, cultural changes in the Kazakh steppe at the beginning of the twentieth century.

 1. Working in a group
 2 Critical thinking
 3.Creative search 
 4. Reproductive method
 5. Design

1Knows and understands the nature of the development of modern Kazakh literature.
2Understands artistic innovation in Kazakh prose.
3Knows and analyzes types and genres of Kazakh prose.
4Knows the research, development and formation of Kazakh historical prose.
5Analyzes thematic problematic searches in the Kazakh poem, makes conclusion.
6Knows the values of modern Kazakh literature, understands its place and value in the research system of Sciences, analyzes the history and current state of development.
7Analyzes the features of modern Kazakh poetry and prose.
8Knows the historical significance of Kazakh drama, lyrical, epic, historical types.
9knows and differentiates the features of the development of Kazakh literary science and criticism.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The formation of a new ideology in accordance with historical, social, spiritual, cultural changes in the Kazakh steppe at the beginning of the twentieth century.Ауызша
2Literature of religious and educational orientation. N. Nausabayevich.Shady Zhangiruly.Ауызша
3Mashhur Yusuf Kopeiuly. Makysh Kaltaiuly.Сөздік
4Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly.Ауызша
5M. Seralin.Ауызша
6Sultanmkhmut Toraigyrov.Сөздік
7Sabit Donentaiulytest
8A. Baitursynov.Ауызша
9Creative biography of G. KarashevichАуызша
10Mirzhakyp DulatulyСөздік
11Zhusupbek Aimauytov.Ауызша
12Magzhan Zhumabaev.Ауызша
13Beimbet Mailin.Ауызша
14Saken SeifullinСөздік
15Iliyas Jansugirov.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. XХ ғасырдың алғашқы жартысындағы әдебиет. Оқу құралы. Түркістан, 2020. КошеноваТ.И.
22. Сал-серілер поэзиясы: ХІХ ғасырдың екінші жартысы мен ХХ ғасырдың басы. Монография. 2017. Керім Ш.
33. Көп томдық шығармалар жинағы. Немат Келімбетовтің танымы мен тағлымы
44. Н. Келімбетов Раритет-Алматы,2015 Отты жылдар әзілдері мен аңыздары Алматы, 2015 Ө. Озғанбай , К. Бекмағанбет
55. ХХ ғ.б. қазақ әдебиеті және М.Сералин.Оқу-құралы, 2018 С.Ергөбек.