Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ITTS 12104 Introduction to the Specialty Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
Abzhalov Bagdat

The discipline considers the content and system of training, characteristics and fundamentals, important concepts, theoretical issues, the main directions of the professional activity of a chemistry teacher. The student forms an interest, a positive attitude towards the teaching profession. Understanding the essence and specifics of the teacher's activity, he acquires the initial experience and skills necessary for the formation of the teacher's personality. Masters the basics of the organization of educational and methodological activities, types and structure of the lesson with the help of didactic principles and methodological foundations of teaching chemistry.



Critical thinking

Working in a group

1He will explain the tasks and directions of development of chemical science to future teachers of chemistry.
2Explains the periodic system of elements, the sequence and laws of arrangement of elements in it.
3Summarizes knowledge of general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry subjects.
4Summarizes the knowledge of chemical research in various fields within the natural sciences for future chemistry teachers.
5Develops skills for future chemist teachers about modern basic research in the field of chemistry.
6Objectively evaluates the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurship of students using modern methods and methods of teaching.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Understanding of the subject of chemistryЖазбаша
2Chemical scienceАуызша
3Theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistrytest
4Chemistry of elementsАуызша
5Analytical chemistryАуызша
6Theoretical foundations of Organic ChemistryАуызша
7Chemistry of functional derivatives of organic moleculesЖазбаша
8Physical chemistryАуызша
9Structure of matterАуызша
10Colloid chemistryАуызша
11Chemical technologytest
12Methodology of teaching chemistrytest
13Methodology of school chemistry experimentАуызша
14Chemistry of high molecular compoundsАуызша
15Methodology of problems in chemistry.Ауызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Theory and methodology of teaching chemistry. Educational tool. 2nd st. head / M.K. Kurmanaliyeva, N. O. Myrzakhmetova. -Almaty: Almanac, 2021 - 321 p.
22. Introduction to the teaching profession: Electronic textbook. - Karaganda: KSTU, 2015. Mukhametzhanova, A.O., Alshinbaeva, J.E.
33. Introduction to the profession: Educational tool. - Supplemented 2nd edition - Turkestan, 2015. - 178 p. Eralin, K.
44. Innovative teaching methods: educational tool - 56 p. 2015. Matbek N.K.