Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IGAH 5212 Selected Chapters of Analytical Chemistry Бірінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Sarbaуeva G.T.

The purpose of the discipline: to acquaint students with the theoretical foundations of methods of complex chemical analysis and teach them to apply them in practice, to develop a new method of analysis.Examines in depth the law of interacting masses, which forms the theoretical basis of chemical analysis, acquires knowledge about the methods of determining the qualitative, quantitative chemical composition of a substance from homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.Analyzes the reliability and value of research results using modern analytical methods, processes experimental data using statistical methods.



The method of problem-based learning


Technology of developmental learning

 The Case Study method

 The method of creative learning

1Theoretically predicts the depth, direction and result of chemical reactions occurring in real solutions in the presence of foreign ions and competing processes;
2Compares methods for calculating the constants of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium, pH of acid-base and buffer mixtures of complex composition, taking into account the dissociation of water in aqueous, organic solvents
3Professionally evaluates chemical knowledge for the conscious use of knowledge, analysis, processing, synthesis of information received, safe work with chemicals;
4Organizes research work, draws up System Analysis schemes;
5Independently acquires knowledge using modern research methods and techniques;
6Carries out educational practical work, effectively using digital educational resources, virtual laboratories in professional activities.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introductory review of the discipline 'Selected chapters of analytical Chemistry'. The current stage of development of analytical chemistry.test
2Homogeneous equilibrium. Real solutions.презентация
3Chemical equilibrium in heterogeneous systemsАуызша
4Precipitation and dissolution of poorly soluble compoundsЖазбаша
5Theory of acids and bases.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Determination of the titration endpoint based on the neutralization reaction.презентация
7Determination of the pH of buffer solutions formed by an acid of medium strength and its saltпрезентация
8Neutralization reactions from the point of view of the theory of protolytic equilibrium.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Equilibrium in the processes of complex formation. ComplexometryЖазбаша
10Titration curves in redox processes.Ауызша
11The equilibrium constant in redox reactionsпрезентация
12The method of iodometric titrationАуызша және жазбаша
13Theoretical foundations of the analysis based on the process of sediment formationАуызша
14Methods for the determination of halogen and metal ions by precipitationЖазбаша
15The method of refractometric analysisЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Sarbaeva G.T., A.E. Kydyrbaeva K.T.Sarbaeva, A.N. Zhylysbaeva Analitik kimya. Çimkent Dünya Matbaası. 2018 - 312 sayfa
2Analitik kimya. Ders Kitabı / B. S. Imangalieva. - Almatı: TechSmith, 2022. - 376 s
3Kharitonov Yu.Ya Analitik kimya. Analitik 1. Genel teorik temeller, nitel analiz. Ders kitabı. 2018.
4Abilkanova F.J. Analitik kimya, kimyasal analiz yöntemleri. 2018. - 280 sn.
5Analitik kimya hesaplamalarının toplanması: akademik lisans öğrencileri için ders kitabı [Metin] / Zh. B. Mukajanova, Ş.K. Sanyazova, M.M. Nykmukanova, K. Kabul. - Almatı: TechSmith, 2022. - 244 s
6K.A.Jalilov. Analitik ve fiziksel kimyanın teorik temelleri ve laboratuvar uygulamaları. Bir ders kitabı. Bölüm 1. /. - Almatı: Evero, 2023. - 256 s
7Chekotaeva A.N., Nurgalieva A.N. Analitik kimya (öğrencilerin bağımsız çalışmaları için çalışma-metodik araç). 2014. 260 s.
8. Ismailova A., Analitik kimya konusunda laboratuvar çalışmasının metodolojik talimatları ve görevleri Almatı: Kazakuniv-ti, 2020.-102p
9Matakova R.N., Badavamova G.L. Analitik kimyada test görevleri: ders kitabı. 2015.- 192 s.
10Khozhina JH, Karilkhan A.K. Analitik Kimya. Karaganda: KarGTU, 2015
11Rube V.A., Timina A.J. Analitik kimyada çok dilli laboratuvar uygulamaları. 2016.