Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
GdT 4225 Development of Criticism in Kazakh Literature төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Associate Professor B.. Abzhet

Determining the ideological artistic value of a literary work, determining its meaning and importance, showing the valuable qualities, features and shortcomings of the work, going to the heart of the read work, correctly evaluating it, criticizing it, analyzing it from the point of view of national interest, teaching the interpretation of the artistic text by comparison, digital teaching of the subject teaches creativity in the group to use knowledge resources. The general theory of literature, nature and meaning of literary criticism, features of development, system of analysis, development laws of literary criticism are considered.

Literary process and criticism

Development of criticism in Kazakh literature and trends and trends in the 19th century, periods of development of literature and criticism in the 20th century

1. working in a group
2 Critical thinking
3.  Creative search 
4.  Reproductive method 
5.   project-based learning 

1defines the laws and content of the development of literature, shows the main stages of the classical and modern literary process, explains the originality, individual authorship, and artistic systems of the works of the representatives of the literature of the period..
2Compares, plans research in the field of pedagogical and philological sciences.
3Independently and accurately carries out comprehensive monitoring based on diagnostics, analysis and generalization of research in the scientific field, publishes scientific publications.
4explains the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness expressed in literary works.
5Independently sets research tasks, makes a decision on the application of theoretical and practical knowledge to solve it.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Interrelationship of literature and oral literature and folklore, main difference of genres. Development of literary criticismАуызша
2Development of literature during the Karakhanids periodАуызша
3Development of literature and criticism under the Kazakh KhanateСөздік
4Press and literary criticism in the 19th centuryАуызша
5Literary criticism at the beginning of the 20th centuryАуызша
6Critical views on Alash slogan literatureСөздік
7Literary criticism articles in Kazakh literature of 1920-30 yearsСөздік
8Class attitudes during the repression of the 1937s, the nature of criticism on the literary frontАуызша
9Literary criticism during the warАуызша
10The development of literature and literary criticism in the post-war yearsСөздік
11Political decisions and disputes in literature in the 50s and 60sАуызша
12Development and literary criticism of Kazakh literature in the 60sАуызша
13Literary criticism in the 70sАуызша
14Development of criticism in Kazakh literature in 80-90 yearsСөздік
15Literature at the time of independence. Features of the development of modern Kazakh literary criticismСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Ж.Тілепов XIV-XX ғасыр басындағы қазақ әдебиеті. Оқу –әдістемелік құрал. 2015. 388 б.
2Г.Пірәлі Қазақ әдебиеттануы және ұлттық идея.У.Қалижанов. Ұлт рухы. – Алматы: Әдебиет әлемі Монография. 2015. –
3Тоқсамбаева А.О. Қазақ хандығы дәуіріндегі әдебиет. Оқу құралы/А.О.Тоқсамбаева. – Алматы: Эверо, 2023. – 344 б.
4Нұрпейісов Н.Ж. Әдеби сын тарихын зерттеудің өзекті мәселелері/Оқу құралы – Алматы: Эверо, 2023 – 212 бет.
5Смағұлов Ж. ХХ ғасырдағы қазақ әдебиеттану ғылымы: Оқулық. - Астана, 2017. – 480 бет.