Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ESO 4388 Ecology of Soil Organisms төртінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.T.Meirbekov

The discipline forms the skills of determining soil quality indicators to assess its productivity as a guarantee of food security of agroecosystems. The student applies the acquired knowledge for the practical analysis of agricultural activities, the ability to use laws and regulations to ensure ecological farming. The student is able to use laboratory methods to study the ecological functions of soils to determine their impact on the vital activity of organisms.



1. Working in a group

2 Critical thinking

3. Creative search

4. Reproductive method

5.Project-based learning

1Analyzes the influence of environmental factors on the state of living organisms (LO7);
2Develops ways to solve geoecological problems in accordance with environmental laws (LO8).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The importance of soil cover on earth as a part of the biosphere and an indivisible component of various biogeocenoses. The history of the development of soil environmental studies.Ауызша
2Soil ecology and its ecological functions in the biosphere.Ауызша
3Influence of soil on hydrosphere. Features of the hydrosphere and the general hydrological significance of soils.Жазбаша
4Influence of soil on the atmosphere. Soil-as a factor in the formation and evolution of the main composition of the atmosphere.Жазбаша
5Influence of soil on the lithosphere. Soil is the surface layer and development factor of the lithosphere. Anthropogenic change in lithospheric soil functions.Ауызша және жазбаша
6General patterns of soil Genesis and distribution. Natural-environmental conditions and their impact on soil formations.Ауызша және жазбаша
7Biogeochemical aspects of soil formation. The cycle of elements carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus in the soil. Influence of technogenesis products on soil.test
8Ecology and environmental problems of horizontal belt soils. Ecology and environmental problems of soils of tundra, taiga-forest zones.Ауызша және жазбаша
9Features of the soils of Kazakhstan, their difference from the soils of the European part of the CIS. Ecology and environmental problems of soils of the desert zone of Kazakhstan.Ауызша және жазбаша
10Ecology, environmental problems of vertical belt soils. Soil ecology and environmental problems of the tauetegi desert-steppe zone.презентация
11Ecology and environmental problems of mountainous chernozem, black-brown soils. Ecology and environmental problems of the Middle Mountain and high mountain belts.презентация
12The current ecological state of the soil cover. Factors affecting the current environmental conditions of the soil cover of the Earth's surface.Жазбаша
13Chemical soil pollution. Sources and ways of chemical soil pollution. Limiting amounts of soil pollutants. Radioactive soil pollution and its consequences.Жазбаша
14Problems of soil ecology and ways to protect soil cover. Work on monitoring the condition of the soil cover. Organization of soil monitoring activities.Ауызша
15Changes in the physical, chemical, biological properties of the soil.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Pests and diseases of the protected soil. Training manual / R. A. Dairabayev, M. T. Erdenov, G. I. Isaev. - Turkestan: Alem, 2020. - 124 PP.
2Ecological soil science: agorbiological and ecological justification. Training manual. 'I Don't Know,' She Said. - Almaty: OnOn, 2022. - 571
3Development of methods for determining the level of harmfulness of MPC in accordance with the general sanitary indicators of chemicals in the soil. Educational and methodical manual / G. K. Ashirbekov. - Turkestan: Turan, 2020. - 106 P.
4Actual problems of Ecology in the XXI century. Conference proceedings-Turkestan: Turan,2015
5Soil science. Educational and methodical manual. Blisov T. M. Kostanay. 2016.T. M. Bliss