Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EOS 4231 Flexible Automated Manufacturing Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Zhaparov Yernar Omarovich

The purpose of the subject is to master the study of measuring transducers, information processing devices, executive mechanisms and other technical means of automation. To teach students to select, use and service automation technical equipment, as well as to study and analyze the characteristics of automation elements and devices.

Software management of technical processes and production.

Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, Electronics, Automation devices and elements.

Narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Understands the features of universal (flexible) automated production.
2Knows the composition of universal (flexible) automated production.
3Analyzes the classification of universal (flexible) automated production.
4Expresses his thoughts fully, can write research materials competently.
5Can analyze a universal (flexible) automated system.
6Can process parts of automated control systems.
7Is able to draw schematics of numerically controlled machines.
8Can use digital software controlled machines.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to Universal (Flexible) Automated Manufacturing (Retrospective Review)
2Flexible automated system, purpose, tasks, elements.
3Creation of a flexible automated system and group processing of parts in it.
4Industrial robots and robotic complexes (review, analysis, selection).
5Automated transportation and storage systems and features.
6Automated control systems and their features.
7Flexible automated production control systems and features.
8Organization and main features of automated production.
9Flexible manufacturing systems and advantages and disadvantages.
10Technological bases of flexible automated production.
11Software-controlled (PC) machines and features.
12Design of technological processes for numerical control machines.
13Preparation of control programs for digital CNC machines.
14Tuning of numerically controlled machines.
15Setting up and using automated and flexible productions.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Технологические основы гибких автоматизированных производств: учеб. пособие / А.И. Пронин – Комсомольск-на-Амуре: ФГБОУ ВПО КнАГТУ, 2015. – 135 с.
2Станки с ЧПУ: устройство, программирование, инструментальное обеспечение и оснастка: учеб. пособие / А.А. Жолобов, Ж.А. Мрочек, А.В. Аверченков, М.В. Терехов. – 2-е изд., стер. – М., 2014. – 355 с.
3Техникалық жүйелерді автоматтандыру: Оқу құралы, Алматы 2013. Иманғалиев Ш.Н
4Автоматты басқару теориясының негіздері. Оқу-әдістемелік кешен. Қарағанды, 2014. Айжамбаева С.
5Гибкие автоматизированные производства. Учебное пособие. 2017. Пищухин А.М.