Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EM 2288 Additional chapters of elementary mathematics Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Alikhanova B.

The discipline expands and deepens students ' knowledge of elementary mathematics, the conceptual scientific foundations of mathematics and its place in the general education system and value system. Repeats and fixes the main sections of the school mathematics course.Forms special and general scientific skills that contribute to the success of students in compiling and solving mathematical problems.

The discipline forms theoretical and methodological foundations of methodological science and initial methodological skills that ensure the performance of various functions of the subject of mathematics. Future teachers have a creative approach to solving problems of teaching mathematics, skills and abilities of independent analysis of the learning process, research of methodological problems. The discipline teaches the subject of methods of teaching mathematics and its problems, the goals of teaching mathematics, the structure and content of school mathematics and the classification of methods of teaching mathematics.

1LO1-applies the acquired knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics at school;
2ОН4 - Өзін-өзі дамытады, - кәсіби және тұлғалық тұрғыдан өсуге ұмтыла біледі;
3LO6-works in a team, is able to offer new solutions.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basic trigonometric formulas. Trigonometric expressions.презентация
2Trigonometric polynomials and their transformations.презентация
3Different trigonometric transformations.презентация
4Trigonometric equations, methods for solving simple trigonometric equations.презентация
5Trigonometric equations solved by different substitutions.презентация
6Trigonometric inequalities, solutions of simple trigonometric inequalities.презентация
7Methods for solving trigonometric inequalities.презентация
8System of trigonometric equations and inequalities.презентация
9Study of trigonometric functions.презентация
10Relation between inverse trigonometric functions.презентация
11Solving equations containing inverse trigonometric functions.презентация
12The use of trigonometry in solving geometric problems.презентация
13Relations of elements of triangles.презентация
14The use of trigonometry in solving problems of stereometry.презентация
15The use of trigonometry in solving problems of stereometry.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1A.E.Ábilqasymova , E.A. Tuıaqov., Jalpy bilim beretin mektepte matematıkalyq esepterdi shyǵarýdy oqytýdyń ádistemelik negizderi. Oqý quraly. - Almaty, 2019j.
2A. E. Ábilqasymova , B. M. Qosanov., Qazaqstandaǵy matematıkany oqytý ádistemesiniń qalyptasýy men damýy. Oqý quraly. - Almaty : Mektep, 2018j
3P. Dj. Kameron.Algebraǵa kirispe. Oqý quraly. 2013j.
4Q. Y. Ýsmanov., Teńdeýler qurýǵa arnalǵan esepter. Oqý quraly. - Túrkistan: Turan, 2016.
5S. E. Eralıev., Matematıka - 1 Esepter jınaǵy. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. 2012j.