Digital Media and TV, Radio Journalism
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EBZh 1202 Genres of electronic media Бірінші курс 5 150 1 0 2
Course Descriptions
Serdali B.

The purpose of the subject is to enable future journalists to learn the features of electronic journalism genres, their content, the form of writing, easy selection, sorting or gathering and analysis of data, and the linguistic and stylistic method of electronic journalism. Teaches to determine the mutual characteristics of TV-radio journalism genres and traditional genres on a theoretical and practical basis. The subject is aimed at mastering the methodological approach of improving the professional creative skills of electronic mass media representatives and increasing the quality level of electronic journalism materials. Style of TV, radio, Internet genres,
learns structural and logical forms.


New media

Group work, blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case-stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection, creativity teaching methods, group work, group project work method, problem composition method, mini-research method, project work method, Modularity teaching technology

1Can study and apply the stylistics of various electronic genres that encourage readers (viewers, listeners, netizens) to draw their own conclusions.
2By working with electronic information sources, he tries to develop a professional network and is able to learn, analyze and monitor events in social networks.
3Learns the rules and norms of modern electronic media necessary for the preparation of material, forms the use and development of a personal writing style
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Modern system of journalism genresЖазбаша
2Typology of journalism genresпрезентация
3Integration of method and genreЖазбаша
4Genre composition: plot, fable, architectonicsЖазбаша
5Informational genres of journalism: main characteristicsArticle
6Note and its typesЖазбаша
7Report: genre specificЖазбаша
8Interview: classificationЖазбаша
9Reportage: genre technologyпрезентация
10Online publications: emergence and peculiaritiesArticle
11Emergence of genres of Internet journalismЖазбаша
12Transformation of information genres in the online versionArticle
13Formation of synthetic genre types in the nature of Internet publicationsЖазбаша
14The role of the author and the reader in the process of genre creation in the online version: traditional newspaper and online publicationsАуызша және жазбаша
15Genres of journalistic presentationArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Serdali B. Genre forms and activities of modern journalism. Educational tool. - Almaty: Lantar Trade, 2021.
2Kenzhegulova N. Genre forms and functions of modern journalism. Study guide - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2023.
3Shyndalieva M.B. Forms and function of journalistic genres. Educational tool. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2023
4Poetics of journalism. Monograph. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2015. Serdali B.
5Practical journalism in Kazakhstan. 3.0. Almaty 2017. 'MediaNet' educational and methodological complex - Almaty, 2017.