International Relations
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DK 4297 Diplomatic Documentation төртінші курс 8 240 3 3 0
Course Descriptions
Turkish, Kazakh
Tazhibayev R.

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of knowledge about the basic
principles, rules of norms for the preparation, registration and maintenance of
diplomatic documentation and correspondence. The central place in its study is
occupied by students mastering the rules of office work and the skills of drafting
basic diplomatic documents in accordance with the specifics of the situation and
the requirements for writing and processing diplomatic documentation; forms
the skills of using diplomatic terminology when writing diplomatic documents;
develops the skills of freely operating diplomatic terminology.



Work in group, work in pair, blitz questions, creative teaching method,  problem solution essay, task-based learning method, silent way method, brainstorming, dialogue building, communicative method.

1LO1- develops the skill of competently and skillfully drafting diplomatic documents in accordance with the requirements.
2LO 2- develops the ability to use diplomatic terms orally and in writing.
3LO 3- learns to competently observe the rules of diplomatic etiquette and protocol in business relations.
4LO 4- improves the ability to use multilateral, grassroots, digital forms of diplomacy.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Diplomatic language and its peculiarities. Language in diplomatic relations.Ауызша
2Requirements for writing and drafting diplomatic documentsArticle
3Two addresses of diplomatic documents: Government and People.Библиография
4The protocol part in a diplomatic document.Ауызша
5The main part of a diplomatic document is the semantic core.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Part stating the facts of a diplomatic documentпрезентация
7New forms of written communication between states through diplomatic documentsЖазбаша
8Argumentative part of a diplomatic documentпрезентация
9Diplomatic documents prepared for negotiations and visitsАуызша
10Final documents of negotiations, visits, international conferences, summitsЖазбаша
11Diplomatic conversation and the technique of writing and designing itАуызша және жазбаша
12Diplomatic correspondenceБиблиография
13Methodology of information and analytical workЖазбаша
14Information base and techniques for working with itЖазбаша
15Types of information and analytical documentsАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Torborn L., Halyqaralyq qatynastar teoriıasynyŋ tarihy, 2017
2K. Tokaev, Vektory vneşnei politiki Almaty Jibek joly 2017
3H. Kissinger, Diplomasi, İstanbul Türkiye İŞ bankası 2015
4Robert F. Trager, Diplomatiıa: kommunikatsiıa jäne halyqaralyq tärtıp negızderı, Almaty 2017.
5Malkolm Şo, Halyqaralyq qūqyq, Almaty 2017
6M. Kişor, Ūly konvergentsiıa: Aziıa, Europa jäne bırgei älem logikasy, Almaty 2017
7N. Onjanov, Bıtımger: Siriıa tüiını.Diplomattyŋ jazbalary, Delovoi Mir Astana 2017
8Tajibaev R.I., Diplomatiıalyq qūjattama, Türkıstan 2015 j.