Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DFvMP 5216 Philosophical and Methodological Problems of Linguistics Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Baituova A.N.

formation of knowledge about modern concepts, philosophical and methodological principles in Russian and world linguistics, organization and planning of scientific research, mastering specific methods and techniques of analysis and generalization of research in the scientific field.



1. Interactive,
2. Problematic,
3. Conversation,
4. Discussion.
5. Methods, forms of training, form of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for students with disabilities, disciplines can be changed by the teacher together with structural divisions.


1LOD1 - generalizes and deduces the structure, forms and methods of scientific knowledge, their evolution; - compares the general principles of philological theory construction;
2LOD2 - defines and classifies tasks, research goals, the concept of scientific search and the null hypothesis; - applies effective research methods and techniques;
3LOD3 - highlights and summarizes modern concepts in linguistics, philosophical and methodological principles in Russian and world linguistics, organization and planning of scientific research; -establishes specific methods and techniques for the analysis and generalization of research in the scientific field.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to philosophical problems of linguisticsпрезентация
2The dependence of linguistic trends on philosophy and the manifestation of this dependence in ontology, methodology, epistemology.Ауызша және жазбаша
3Categories of philosophy and general scientific concepts in the science of language. Language and thinking. Analytical philosophy and problems of linguistics of the twentieth century.презентация
4Individual psychologism as the basis of the Young grammatical concept of language Leipzig and Moscow schools. The ideas of the French school of positivist sociologists and the concept of F. de Saussure.Article
5Behaviorism and Linguistics. L. Bloomfield. Positivism and neopositivism and linguistic foundations of structuralism. Relativism and reliability of linguistic knowledge.test
6Language as an object and subject of research. Ontology of language.Жазбаша
7Language and speech. Three points of view.test
8Language as a social phenomenon. Social and individual in language.Article
9Language as an innate mechanism. Language as a biological and social product. Language ability.презентация
10Language as a communicative and expressive system. Language functions.презентация
11Language as a sign system of a special kind. Semiology and linguistics. Types of sign systems and types of language signs.Article
12An approximate list of categories of philosophy and general scientific concepts: algorithm, probability, certainty- uncertainty, invariant, state, isomorphism, information, symmetry, asymmetry, system, structure, orderliness, function, element, model, field, set, complex and simple, dynamic system, etc. (to choose from)Article
13Development of some philosophical categories in linguistics. Structure and system. Field and continuum. Variant and invariant. Variant and variability. Sign. Valence. Model. Isomorphism (optional).Asymmetry and symmetry in language and language signs.Article
14Methodology of linguistics. Methodological searches in modern approaches to language. Introspection, observation and experiment (optional).презентация
15Methodology of linguistics in a philosophical contextArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Pantykina M.I. Philosophy of language. 2017.
2Baituova A.N. Philosophical and methodological problems of linguistics. Turkestan, 2020.
3Lukyanova L.Philosophy and methodology of science. GrSMU, 2016.
4P.N. Baryshnikov. Philosophy of Language: Historical perspectives. M., Yurayt., 2023,